PS101 Test 2 Study Guide Freud Did his work around 100 years ago Put together theories that were based on his patients Didn t do experiments many ideas are challenged First to formalize process of psychotherapy invented talking therapy talking could cure you Invented stages of development Invented repressed memories no scientific evidence but people still believe it Invented defense mechanisms Main works Theory of personality development how did normal or abnormal personalitites develop Treatment therapy psychoanalysis analysis pertaining to Freuds theory Was not a psychologist had medical degree MD he was a physician that practiced psychoanalysis Basic nature of people Humans are like little animals who need to be trained Id born with this Selfish Pleasure seeking Has no control Seeks immediate gratification Motivated by biology sex and aggression Process of developing personality is process of socialization child needs to be socialized civilized Stage Theory Movement through each stage powered by libido our need to have satisfaction The primary way we seek satisfaction from our libido is determined by the stage we are in Stage 1 Oral Stage age 0 1 5 or 2 TRUST Nourishment Emotional nurturing We learn to connect food and love Baby learns about trust can they rely on adult to feed nourish them Stage 2 Anal Stage 2 4 SELF CONTROL Toilet training Baby learns self control and delaying gratification Should get pleasure from self control Stage 3 Phallic Stage 5 7 SEXUAL GENDER IDENTITY Sexual identity gender Move into the real world school etc Male and female pair up go through different processes to develop sexual identity Boys Oedipal complex Becomes more attracted to mom only female to pair up with Sees dad as rival love triangle Boy learns that part of being a male is competition with other males The boy then goes through castration anxiety thinks dad will cut off his penis therefore turning him into a girl Breaks bond with mom and identifies with dad If no dad is there boy risks not being fully male identified gay Girls Electra complex Becomes clingy to dad already has female identification with mom Girl learns to balance mom and dad Goes through penis envy thinks she s not as good as men Realize they have bigger powers and create life Penis envy can turn into anger resentment cause of being lesbian After these stages 5 or 6yrs basis of personality is formed Stage 4 Latency Period 7 12 or 13 No new issues but you practice all previous issues in the real world In order to practice these psychologically we practice only with own sex Stage 5 Genital Stage teen adult Don t need to do anything you just arrive at it once you get to puberty marriage etc Supposed to be able to have a healthy monogamous heterosexual relationship that is not complicated by previous issues trust self control sexual identity Fixation stuck at a particular stage Too much satisfaction Not enough satisfaction Fixations Oral Too much oral dependent personality needs will always be met entire family revolves around baby irresponsible because they know parents will be there dependent come across as spoiled brat narcissistic Not enough oral aggressive cant trust the world need to look out for self aggressive pushy monopolizes conversation bully Anal Too strict anal retentive has guilt perfectionist worries about mistakes was punished during toilet training OCD Too loose anal expulsive feel comfortable living with a little mess laid back little self control no anxiety underachiever poor with responsibility Phallic has to do with resolving oedipal electra complex Personality 3 parts of personality we aren t just one personality Id born with little animal in us sex aggression not reality based I want it now pleasure principle Superego morals conscience starts to develop in anal stage finishes in phallic stage when you identify with the same sex parent Ego mediator between id and superego reality principle voice of reason 3 levels of awareness Conscious information your thinking about right now or that is very easily retrievable ex phone number not important psychologically story not important situation that got you into it is Preconscious information that is buried a little need to do work to dig it up not memory psychological reason why you cant certain things ex old teachers names Unconscious most important psychological level of awareness where you bury traumatic memories repressed goal of therapy is to make unconscious conscious Defense mechanisms unconscious techniques that protect us emotionally from stress and anxiety not necessarily negative Humor Denial not accepting reality of situation ex substance abuse Projection not accepting responsibility of the situation and projecting blame onto another person Rationalization intellectualization giving intellectual reasons for the situation making excuses that could have some truth behind them Isolation separating your feelings from your thoughts Regression react to stress by going back to an earlier stage of functioning ex eating under stress Sublimation directing id impulses into socially acceptable behaviors repress sex and aggression ex sports dancing Reaction formation a person has an id impulse that their afraid of they repress impulse not aware of and adopt opposite point of view to the extreme ex becoming aware of homosexual feelings and becoming priest Psychoanalysis talking therapy goal is catharsis make unconscious conscious non directive Techniques not hypnosis Free association patient talks about anything they want to talk about Dream analysis dreams are important symbolic Transference and counter transference when the client reacts to the therapist as if they were somebody in their own life transference when the therapist sees the patient like somebody in their family counter transference Resistances blocks to progress patient puts up emotional blocks to not go any further in therapy canceling not paying etc Psychoanalysis is good at helping a fairly normal person who does not have major psychiatric problems explore their emotional life choices or future Useless for schizophrenia bipolar or any other biological disorder need medicine Sex Kinsey 1948 first major study of human sexual behavior Did a sex survey studied activities Results weren t believed because he could only get volunteers Found that 10 of adults have had some same sex experience Masters and Johnson 1960 Study physiology of sex how the body responds Needed to get volunteers to have sex
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