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4202 Exam Two 9 12 14 15 Chapters 10 11 Measurement and Attitude Scaling Measurement Three ways to measure something ask for exact ask to select range or compare person to others Measuring things like loyalty is tough Factors include customer behavior attitudes and satisfaction or surrounding context competition or easiness of switching brands Measurement and scaling Is about giving out numbers to persons The numbers relate to the amount of an attribute that the person possess Measurement Process of assigning numbers of labels to persons in accordance with specific rules for representing quantities or qualities of attributes Scaling Involves creating a continuum upon which measured objects are located Scales may consist of several items Can be either one dimensional or multi dimensional Scales can have multiple items and be one dimensional Main steps in the marketing process 1 Create the concept of interest Concept is a generalized idea about a class of objects attributes occurrences or processes relevant to the problem 2 Create an operational definition of the concept Operational definition is a precise definition that specifies the activities or operations to measure the concept 3 Develop the measurement scale s Nominal numbers from a nominal scale represent labels for identification or classification Ordinal represent an order Interval all of the above and measure distance in units of equal intervals Ratio scales possesses all the properties of above plus has absolute zero and can be used to compute ratios 4 Make sure the scale is reliable and valid produces consistent results if repeated and refers to the extent that a scale measure what it intends to 5 Implement the scales in the field measurement rule Rule method that tells researcher how to assign numbers that places the subject on the scale Attitude An enduring organization of motivational emotional perceptual and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of a person s environment Attitudes are the forerunners of behavior Problem Attitudes are not directly observable but are measurable by indirect means such as verbal expression or behavior Can measure attitude along three dimensions Affective feelings or emotions toward an object cognitive awareness or knowledge about an object and behavioral reflects intentions a predisposition to act Attitude rating scales Itemized rating scales Aka category scales The satisfaction scale is broken up in ordered categories Very flexible and easy to respond Question wording is extremely useful Likert scales Respondents indicate their attitudes by checking how strongly they agree or disagree with a series of statements More detailed but hard to come up with specific statements Semantic differential Scale consisting of a series of 7 point bipolar rating scales The negative phrase sometimes appears on left side and sometimes right side Useful for image profiling in particular with respect to competition Disadvantage is that it needs to be customized for each research problem Stapel scales Partly circumvent the problem of finding bipolar adjectives in semantic differentials It uses only single unipolar adjectives Purchase Intent Measure respondents intention to buy or not buy a product Most used and very good predictor Often stated in terms of willingness to recommend More scales include rank order and self study Chapter 12 Questionnaire Design Four types of scales In order to determine what type of scale it is ask the following questions 1 Do the number from the scale represent labels The answer here is always yes 2 Do the numbers from the scale reflect an order 3 Can you subtract or add numbers on the scale Is there equal distance 4 between each number and its neighbor on the scale In there a natural zero point on the scale Can you multiply divide numbers from the scale Questionnaire A formalized set of questions for obtaining information from respondents to generate the data necessary to accomplish the objectives of the research project Criteria for a good questionnaire provides necessary information specific questions that respondents can and will answer speaks to the respondents so that respondent becomes involved in the interview facilitates data processing easy to record answers code and analyze responses and minimizes systematic errors Major steps in questionnaire design 1 Questions What should be asked and how should they be worded 2 Layout In what sequence should the questions be in What layout will best 3 Finishing the questionnaire How should it be pre tested and does it need serve research objectives to be revised Wording of questionnaires clear not bias and respondent should be able and willing to answer questions For every questions ask yourself 1 Why is this necessary What do you do to get insight in this Who How When Where Avoid complexity leading questions ambiguity double barreled items assumptions burdensome questions badly designed response categories The purpose of funneling is to establish rapport with the respondent easy questions first then tough questions second and finally sensitive demographic ones at the end to avoid order bias Chapter 9 Experimental Research Casual Research Research designed to determine whether a change in one variable likely caused an observed change in another Experimentation Study of cause and effect Experiment A research approach in which one or more variable is manipulated x and the effect on another variable y is observed X is independent and y is dependent Experimentation is the only type of research that can demonstrate that a change in one variable causes a predictable change in another Causality When the occurrence of x increases the probability of the occurrence of Y Most important thing is making sure that a change in Y was not caused by something other than X Experimental design includes 4 factors 1 The independent variables that are manipulated 2 The subjects who participate in experiments 3 A dependent variable that is measured Y 4 A clever plan or procedure for dealing with extraneous factors choose a good experimental design Experimental design notation X exposure of a subject to an experimental treatment O process of taking measurements on the dependent variable 1 Different time periods are represented horizontally and indicated with 2 Use of vertical representation when different tests units are measured at the subscripts same time Experimental design 1 One shot design A one shot design is only useful for exploratory

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OSU BUSML 4202 - Exam 2

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