Geography Exam 1 A 3 Major Sub Disciplines 1 Human difference between culture and society 2 Physical 3 Technical application of technology to answer geo Questions Cartography Map Making Remote sensing using satellite imagery ariel photos to look at the earth B The Main Tool of Geography The Map how something works and how it applies Representation of earth surface that shows features that relate to each other by distance direction and size Maps differ from globes globes are more accurate C Some Common types of Maps 1 Thematic one group of maps 2 Mental Maps individuals own internal perception of arrangement of earth surfaces o Locations placed based on feelings and emotions 3 Topographic Maps o Topographia is basically changed in elevation of land surfaces from one o Elevation is referenced to sea level how low or high have to have a location to another reference point o DEM model of landscape you can see a computer represent elevation D Parts of a Map 1 Map Projection is the mapping technique used to translate a 3D surface from the real world to a 2D surface 2 Map Scale states the amount of reduction that takes place in construction of the map 3 Map Grid Grid systems are used to locate places A network of intersecting lines to tell locate it 4 Compass North Arrow 5 Legend Key that explains symbols colors used on a map E Use of Maps 1 Map Projections o How they work 2 Why there are different map projections type of distortions need to fit o Shape size of the area is distorted o Position of the area where on the globe o Purpose of the map Shows the polar regions really well North South but leave out everywhere else 3 Examples of commonly used Projections 1 Mercator Projections Preserved shapes and directions Distorts size 2 Polar Projections 3 Equal Area Projections Preserves land areas Distorts direction shape distances 4 Broken Equal Area Projection Continents correct in area and shape 5 Robinson Projection Reasonable over the entire world Polar regions have some distortion F Measuring Distance Scale 1 Representational scale Ex 1 24000 2 Graphical Bar Scale G Using Maps to locate Places 1 Grids A Longitude Latitude measures in degrees angles Latitude longitude UTM Universal transverse Mercator Township range o Latitude consist of parallel lines o Longitude has meridians Prime Meridian forms basis for time zones 15 degrees of longitude 1hour of time B Universal Transverses Mercator grid o Divides globe into 60 zones all lines intersect o Zones are subdivided o Reference links distance in meters from International Dateline False origins easting o Equator Northing C Townships Range o National grid system used to survey and map the western U S o Adopted by the continental congress in 1785 o Township Each square makes up a township on a map Distance position N S of the regional baseline township o Range How far east west of the regional meridian Baseline horizontal lines where survey begins Meridian vertical line where survey begins Range gives location of township E W of the meridians Township location baseline 6mi x6mi square divided into 36 sections each which 640 acres each section has 4 parts and work from smallest to largest Topographic Maps A Definition three dimensional maps Describes in change in land surface elevation B Parts of a Topographic Map Latitude Longitude UTM 1 Degrees 60 min 1 minute 60 secs is how long it takes the earth to rotate 2 Scale 1 24000 representational fractions of bar 3 Contour Lines equal elevation convey info 4 5 Contour Interval amount of elevation changed between lines Index Contour Elevation given every 5th line darker Elevation is measured in feet When you go down in elevation you subtract When you go up in elevation you add H Interpreting the Landscape w Topos 1 Contour lines lines of equal elevation 2 Steep slopes close contours 3 Gentle Slopes gradual contours 4 Hills indicated by closed circles 5 Depression indicated by closed circles with hachure 6 Use streams to determine if you are going up hill or downhill What is Science Science is a process Not a collection of facts because facts change due to technological developments Judgment is based on the majority of opinions It causes us to change or mind Not a subject because the focus is not what you study but how you study Science is a way of studying the natural world Based on repeatable testable and presenting verifiable evidence A Scientific Method 1 Observations Collect info Develop testable questions 2 Hypothesis A statement that explains how why something happens based on observations Must be testable Must be falsifiable has to include a way to show the statement could be wrong Hardest part of research is finding a testable hypothesis 3 Testing the Hypothesis Experiments making observations in a controlled environment Dependent variable o Thing that is going to change Independent Variable o Things that control what happens drives change o Must be designed to remove other variables including all forms of bias o Role of Statistics All experiments have a dependent and a independent variable 4 Reproduction Results of experimentation must be produced by others independent researchers 5 Verification Experiments by other independent scientist must confirm things B Image of Science Scientists 1 Traditional perceptions of science and scientists C Science and Humanity 1 Improving and creating new knowledge Has improved the quality and length of human life Improvement in medicine and healthcare Increase in agricultural production Understanding environmental change D Developing technology 1 Has improved the quality of life 2 Can make life easier 3 Can provide entertainment 4 Helps solves crimes Sediment comes from weathered rocks Igneous Rock melting cooling a 1 o Intrasive beneath the surface Magma o Extrasive at the surface volcanoes lava 2 Sedimentary Rocks transportation o Weathering of pre existing o Limestone LMS deposition Lithification Clastic Organic Evaporates sedimentary rocks o Limestone organic sedimentary rock marble its metamorphic equivilant o Sandstone SS o Dolistone 3 Metamorphic Rock beneath surface partial cooling melting o Granite Igneous rock it is metamorphic equivalent Why is Rock type Important 1 Different rock types behave differently at the surface o Someone breaks down easier than others o Some more easily broken down in some climates than others Rocks in AL physography study of land bases on common landforms Fall Line sediments hard rocks sandstone limestone granite
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