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ch16 Student 1 The term that is used to reflect how organizations oversee their project management systems is cid 10 cid 10 2 Which of the following is not one of the techniques to insure that projects meet the needs of the A Project administration B Fiduciary responsibility C Management D Oversight E Project regulation cid 10 organization cid 10 A Standards B Procedures C Accountability D Controls E All of these are correct 3 Which of the follow percentages is the authors estimate of project driven organizations that have been implementing some form of oversight for several years cid 10 A 95 B 90 C 85 D 80 E 75 cid 10 4 Typical activities of project oversight cover which of the following dimensions cid 10 cid 10 5 Organizational options to cover every aspect of managing projects in the organization are currently A Organization B Project C Customer D Both A and B are correct E All the above are correct achieved by all of the following except cid 10 A Executive committee B Oversight group C Project office D Both B and C are correct E All the above are correct cid 10 6 The importance of the increase in project oversight to today s project manager includes all of the cid 10 following except cid 10 A Increase in expected profits from projects B Increased interest in supporting and helping the project manager C Impact on the environment in which the project will be implemented D Impact on how the project manager s performance will be measured E The reporting of project progress to an oversight group 7 The centralized management of projects to ensure that the allocation of resources to projects is directed toward projects that contribute the greatest value to organization goals is known as cid 10 A Portfolio Project Management B Project Office Management C Project Management Optimization D Project Priority Matrix Management E Resource Allocation Optimization cid 10 8 Which of the following is responsible for the continued support of consistent application of selection criteria standards processes training and general assistance to project managers and continued improvement and use of best practices cid 10 A Portfolio Project Management B Project Office Management C Project Management Optimization D Project Priority Matrix Management E Resource Allocation Optimization cid 10 9 Which of the following firms use project offices to coordinate projects and to ensure best practices are cid 10 being used to manage projects cid 10 A Hewlett Packard B International Business Machines C Dell D Both A and B are correct E All the above are correct 10 Project Management Office functions typically include all of the following except cid 10 A Create and maintain the internal project management information system B Recruit and select project managers C Train personnel in project management techniques D Develop risk management programs E All of these are typically included 11 Project Management Office functions typically include all of the following except cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 A Establish standardized project planning and reporting methodologies B Audit ongoing and recently completed projects C Provide in house project management consulting D Select which projects to undertake E All of these are typically included 12 Project offices are known to result in positive benefits such as cid 10 A A bridge between senior management and project managers B Support integration of all project management processes C Training to support a higher level of project management maturity D Both A and B are correct E All of these are correct cid 10 14 The original Stage GateTM model included all the following stages except cid 10 cid 10 A Project Assessment Checkpoint Reviews B Go Kill Decision Review Methodology C Phase Gate Methodology D Stargate Review Methodology E None of these are correct A Preliminary investigation B Detailed investigation C Testing and validation D Production and market launch E All of these were included 13 The in depth review of individual projects at specific phases in the project life cycle is known as cid 10 cid 10 17 During which of the following phase gates would the question of What are the project s ROI and or non 15 The abridged generic phase gated process includes how many Go Kill decision points cid 10 cid 10 16 During which of the following phase gates would the question of Does this project align with our A Three B Four C Five D Six E Seven cid 10 cid 10 strategic direction be answered cid 10 A Proposal B Screening and selection C Implementation D Progress E Closure financial benefits be answered cid 10 A Proposal B Selection C Implementation D Progress E Closure cid 10 and available be answered cid 10 A Proposal B Screening and selection C Implementation D Progress E Closure cid 10 OPM3TM cid 10 A Repeatable B Defined C Managed D Expanded E Optimized 18 During which of the following phase gates would the question of Are the resources needed identified 19 During which of the following phase gates would the question of Are time costs and scope performances within acceptable limits be answered cid 10 A Proposal B Screening and selection C Implementation D Progress evaluation E Closure cid 10 20 Which of the following is not one of the growth levels in the Organizational Project Maturity Model 21 The first appearance of standard approaches to managing projects including scope statements and WBS occurs in which of the following Maturity Model Levels cid 10 A Ad Hoc Project Management B Formal Application of Project Management C Institutionalization of Project Management D Management of Project Management System E Optimization of Project Management System cid 10 22 Risk assessment derived from WBS and technical analyses and customer input is in place occurs in which of the following Maturity Model Levels cid 10 A Ad Hoc Project Management B Formal Application of Project Management C Institutionalization of Project Management D Management of Project Management System E Optimization of Project Management System cid 10 23 Project audits are performed on all significant projects and lessons learned are recorded and used on subsequent projects occurs in which of the following Maturity Model Levels cid 10 A Ad Hoc Project Management B Formal Application of Project Management C Institutionalization of Project Management D Management of Project Management System E Optimization of Project Management System cid 10 24 An informal culture that values improvement drives the organization not policies

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