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ch02 Student 1 Which of the follow is not one of the commonly heard comments of project managers cid 10 cid 10 A Where did this project come from B Why are we doing this project C How can all these projects be first priority D Why is this project so strongly linked to the strategic plan E Where are we going to get the resources to do this project 2 Strategy considered to be under purview of senior management is cid 10 cid 10 3 A critical factor to ensure the success of integrating the strategic plan with projects lies in a process A Old school thinking B A new school of management thought C Necessary in a company structure D Beneficial to the Project Manager E Depended on company goals cid 10 that cid 10 A Is open and published for all participants to review B Starts with top management s directives C With projects first and integrates them with the strategic plan D Both B and C are correct E A B and C are all correct 4 The intended outcome of strategy projects integration is cid 10 cid 10 A Clear organization focus B Best use of scare organization resources C Improved communication across projects and departments D Both A and C are correct E A B and C are all correct mission and strategy cid 10 cid 10 A They can better focus on the immediate customer B They can make appropriate decisions and adjustments C So they can be effective project advocates D Both B and C are correct E A B and C are all correct 5 Which of the following is a main reason why project managers need to understand their organization s 6 Project managers who do not understand the role that their project plays in accomplishing the organization s strategy tend to make all the following mistakes except cid 10 A Focusing on low priority problems B Overemphasizing technology as an end in and of itself C Focusing on the immediate customer D Trying to solve every customer issue E All the above are likely mistakes cid 10 7 In today s business environment project managers find it valuable to have a keen understanding of cid 10 A Strategic management B Technical issues C Project selection process D Both A and C are correct E A B and C are all correct cid 10 8 The textbook indicated that is the major dimension of strategic management cid 10 cid 10 A Responding to changes in the external market B Allocating scarce resources of the organization C Beating competition to the market D Both a and b are correct E Both a and c are correct 9 Which of the following is not true for strategic management cid 10 cid 10 A It should be done once each year just before developing the operating plan B It supports consistency of action at every level of the organization C It develops an integrated and coordinated long term plan of action D It positions the firm to meet the needs of its customers E All of these are true statements 10 Which of the following is the correct order for the strategic management process cid 10 cid 10 11 Which of the following questions does the organization s mission statement answer cid 10 cid 10 A Strategies mission goals projects B Goals projects mission strategies C Mission goals strategies projects D Goals mission strategies projects E Projects mission strategies goals A What are our long term strategies B What are our long term goals and objectives C How do we operate in the existing environment D What do we want to become E All of these are answered by the mission statement 12 Which of the following is not one of the traditional components found in mission statements cid 10 cid 10 13 Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of effective objectives cid 10 cid 10 14 Strategy formulation includes which of the following activities cid 10 cid 10 15 The assessment of the external and internal environments is called analysis cid 10 cid 10 A Major products and services B Profitability C Target customers and markets D Geographic domain E Contribution to society A Realistic B Assignable C Flexible D Specific E Measurable A Determining alternatives B Creating profitability targets C Evaluating alternatives D Both a and c are correct E A B and C are all correct A SWOT analysis B Competitive C Industry D Market E Strategic 18 Which of the following is not one of the requirements for successful implementation of strategies through 16 Which of the following would not be classified as an organizational threat cid 10 cid 10 17 Which of the following would not be classified as an organizational opportunity cid 10 cid 10 A Slowing of the economy B A maturing life cycle C Poor product quality D Government regulations E All of these are organizational threats A Increasing product demand B Excellent employees C Emerging markets D demographics E All of these are organizational opportunities cid 10 projects cid 10 A Allocation of resources B Prioritizing of projects C Motivation of project contributors D Adequate planning and control systems E All of these are requirements cid 10 advocating cid 10 A Sacred cow B Pet project C Political necessity D Special undertaking E Strategic ploy 19 Which of the following terms is often used to denote a project that a powerful high ranking official is 20 Susie s department is implementing many projects She finds herself starting and stopping work on cid 10 one task to go and work on another task and then return to the work on the original task Susie is experiencing cid 10 A Poor scheduling B Excess work burden C Flexible tasking D Multitasking E Burnout 21 Project selection criteria are typically classified as cid 10 cid 10 22 Which of the following financial models are typically included in project selection cid 10 cid 10 A Financial and non financial B Short term and long term C Strategic and tactical D Required and optional E Cost and schedule A Payback B Net present value C Internal rate of return D Both A and B are correct E A B and C are all correct 23 Projects are usually classified into all but one of the following categories Which one is not one of the 24 Which of the following is not one of the classifications for assessing a project portfolio cid 10 cid 10 25 A project screening matrix typically contains all of the following except cid 10 cid 10 26 Which of the following is the reason s why project managers need to understand their organization s cid 10 typical classifications cid 10 A Compliance and emergency B Operational C Strategic D Political necessity E All of these are typical classifications A Sacred cow B Bread and butter C Pearls D Oysters E White elephants

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