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EXAM 2 STUDYGUIDE OCTOBER 16 th Ethics and Security October 7 2013 INFORMATION ETHICS Ethikos root word for ethics Ancient Greek means theory of living distinguish right from wrong The principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other people Ethics Information ethics Govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use of information technologies as well as the creation collection duplication distribution and processing of information itself offers new challenges for ethics INFORMATION ETHICS Business issues related to information ethics Intellectual property the tangible work something someone has created in a physical for includes copyrights trademarks patents Copyright ideas songs etc to copy things Pirated software physically taking software the unauthorized use duplication distribution or sale of copyrighted software Counterfeit software is software that is manufactured to look like the real thing and sold as such Digital rights management is a technical solution that allows publishers to control their digital media to discourage limit or prevent illegal copying and distribution put in place copy prevention and control methods to prevent copyright INFORMATION ETHICS Privacy is a major ethical issue The right to be left alone when you want to be to have control over your own personal Privacy possessions and not to be observed without your consent In information ethics world think like privacy to Facebook page with limitations and blocks although you do this and think your confidential they still have your email and so on Confidentiality the assurance that messages and information are available only to those who are authorized to view them Individuals form the only ethical component of MIS Individuals copy use and distribute software Search organizational databases for sensitive and personal information Individuals create and spread viruses Individuals hack into computer systems to steal information Employees destroy and steal information ETHICS IN THE WORKPLACE Workplace monitoring is a concern for many employees Organizations can be held financially responsible for their employees actions The dilemma surrounding employee monitoring in the workplace is that an organization is placing itself at risk if it fails to monitor its employees however some people feel that monitoring employees is unethical Our company owns the assets and set policies Policies and rules of how to use the assets computers etc Survey 1 627 companies surveyed 82 some form of electronic monitoring 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 DEVELOPING INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICIES Organizations strive to build a corporate culture based on ethical principles that employees can understand and implement E Policies typically include Ethical computer use policy general principles to guide computer user behavior the company must protect itself from unethical employee behavior Information privacy policy general principles regarding information privacy The unethical use of information happens unintentionally information is unintentionally used for new purposes Acceptable use policy AUP general principles to guide the proper use of the internet requires a user to agree to follow it to be provided access to corporate email information systems and the internet Email privacy policy details the extent to which email messages may be read by others companies can operate the system as openly or privately as it wishes no privacy for employees Social media policy corporate guidelines or principles governing employee online communications to help mitigate risk of employees causing brand damage and reputation Workplace monitoring policy is not a choice but a risk management obligation open communication stating explicitly how when and where the company monitors its employees ETHICS 101 FOR INTERNS An intern is updating customer contact data files for his employer and decides to keep a copy of the files for himself As he begins his formal job search the intern contacts these customers to inquire about employment Files include names of peoples addresses and phone numbers ETHICS 101 FOR INTERNS Take personal responsibility for integrity honesty learn company policies and know what to and not to do You need to hold yourself personally responsible for knowing and following all of the company policies and guidelines that apply to your job Read any policies you are sent and complete all training you are assigned Take time to learn company policies and guidelines even if you have a lot of real work on your plate Never bend the rules even if everyone does it or that s the way they do things here Don t accept a double standard when it comes to ethical behavior It s simply not acceptable to say one thing and do another You need to support company policies and guidelines Practice good records management conceal of display company records Interns should not Backdate or destroy records without proper authorization and oversight Deliberately engage in careless recordkeeping Conceal or deliberately mislay company documents and records Create phony documents or records Destroy customer complaints or claims Privacy intellectual property and security work Interns are expected to protect the company s patents copyrights trademarks trade secrets information systems databases tools and technologies Interns should not Carry confidential data off site e g on a laptop or USB drive without security protection and permission Give sensitive customer information to third parties without permission Copy other people s work ideas or creative expression without permission Use company computers and information systems for illegal unethical or nonwork activities Use a disguise or assumed name to obtain valuable information from or about others Intern rights and working conditions or inappropriate e mail because everyone thinks it s funny Retaliate against others who report harassment or discrimination Participate in uncomfortable conversations of a personal nature in the workplace Discourage others from availing themselves of workplace rights remedies or benefits Treat co workers differently because of their don t send bad emails Interns should not Send off color carry confidential material offsite and use it for non 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 should not use unapproved materials or processes to meet deadlines age race gender religion ethnic background national origin sexual preference or physical disability Consumer protection Interns should not

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