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ISP 221 Spring 2014 Exam 1 Review Some important pages to read in Elemental Geosystems 3 13 37 43 49 57 71 80 84 85 106 110 139 151 156 160 energy the capacity or ability to do work The first law of thermodynamics in a system of constant mass the energy involved in any physical or chemical change is neither created nor destroyed but merely changed from one form to another The second law of thermodynamics energy always changes from a concentrated more usable form to a less concentrated less useable form Radiant energy from the sun coming through is transformed into various forms of energy Mechanical energy what we are usually engaged in ex Ride a bike Gravitational energy Chemical energy Thermal heat energy Light electromagnetic energy Electrical energy Nuclear energy Matter mass that assumes a physical shape and occupies space Proton positive charge mass 1 673 x 10 27 kg Electron negative charge mass 9 109 x 10 31 kg Neutron no charge mass 1 675 x 10 27 kg Work the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force is the amount of energy it takes to get something done Hydrosphere all water but not water vapor Atmosphere gases surrounding earth including water vapor Biosphere biotic living everything alive Geosphere all the hard stuff like rocks Sources of energy gravitational energy or tidal energy 2 7 terawatts geothermal energy 32 2 terawatts from the interior cause of volcanic eruption moving continents and temperature at atmosphere electromagnetic radiation short wavelength light energy from the sun 173 000 terawatts open system system in nature not self contained inputs of energy and matter undergo conversions and are stored as the system operates the outputs are energy matter and heat energy waste closed system self contained rarely found in nature EARTH is an OPEN system for energy but a CLOSED system for matter Energy in energy out Matter recycles matter passes form one component to another in continual recycling Each component of the earth system acts as a reservoir for matter and energy positive feedback feedback information that encourages change in the system leads to instability disruption or death of organisms Ex Global climate change that cause meltponds which reflect less sunlight and absorb therefore causing things to melt the positive feedback would be the higher temperatures and warming trends negative feedback feedback information that discourages change in the system negative feedback informs and causes self regulation in a natural system stabilizing the system science logic mechanisms how things work experiments serves an important function in understanding such uncertainty the more knowledge we have the more our awareness of and uncertainty about other possible outcomes and events increase Scientia knowledge scientific method simply an application of common sense in an organized and objective manner a scientist observes makes a general statement to summarize the observations formulates a hypothesis conducts experiments to test the hypothesis and develops a theory and governing scientific laws Isaac Newton developed this method of discovering the patterns of nature System is any ordered interrelated set of things and their attributes linked by flows of energy and matter as distinct from the surrounding environment outside the system theory using a theory allows predictions to be made about things not yet known a general theory reinforces our perception of the real world acting as positive feedback blackbody radiator at 6000 K absorbs and subsequently emits all the radiant energy it receives although cooler than the Sun the Earth radiates nearly all that it absorbs and acts as a blackbody longer wavelengths are emitted as radiation mostly in infrared portion of the spectrum since cooler Earth has blackbody temp of 290 K 327 cal sec c velocity of light frequency X wavelength Jupiters moon Io 42 5 hrs c 186 000 miles second amplitude the height of the wave above the midpoint wavelength of light Blue 400 nanometers nm with the shortest lowest wavelength and highest frequency Red 700 nanometers nm with the longest highest wavelength and lowest frequency heat heat energy can be transferred in a system in several ways 1 Conduction is the molecule to molecule transfer of heat energy as it diffuses through a substance 2 Convection gases and liquids transfer energy by movement when the physical mixing involves a strong vertical motion In the atmosphere or in bodies of water warmer less dense masses tend to rise and cooler more dense masses tend to sink establishing patterns of convection nuclear fusion forced together Matter being converted into energy Occurs in the SUN Nuclear weapon have not mastered yet therefore cannot use in nuclear power plant yet nuclear fission forced apart unstable End up with less matter than we started with Matter lost energy gained NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS use this E mc 2 where m is the mass that disappeared in the reaction and c is the speed of light 1 watt 0 239 calorie second 1 calories applied to 1 gram of water raises its temperature 1 degree C frequency the number of full waves cycles passing a fixed point each second in units of 1 cycle second 1 hertz f velocity of light wavelength c wavelength 486 nm is a special beam of visible light we can measure 6 17 x 10 14 cycles sec Hz Luminiferous Ether the medium that supports the light wave from the sun to the earth through space Something that exists but we cannot detect it Interferometer Michelson Morley experiment Overall no evidence of destructive interference and of ether wind or luminiferous ether photoelectric effect 486 nm of light disappears as it is absorbed by the electrical current in the metal plate and turned into electrons Minimum amount we can split light into is 10 x 10 20 cal per photon So LIGHT BEHAVES AS A STREAM OF ENERGY PARTICLES OR PHOTONS AND BEHAVES AS A WAVE Composition of the atmosphere 78 08 Nitrogen N2 20 95 Oxygen O2 0 93 Argon Ar All other gases Carbon dioxide CO2 Neon Ne Helium He Methane CH4 Krypton Kr Nitrous oxide N2O Hydrogen H2 Ozone O3 Water vapor H2O Greenhouse Gases The Bohr Model of a Hydrogen Atom as solar radiation passes through the atmosphere it interacts with the atoms molecules and particles of the atmosphere We must understand the basics of how light interacts with matter on a scale of 0 1 nm 1000 nm H consists of one proton

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