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Philosophy 1001 Exam 3 Study Guide Exam Components Section I approximately 18 Objective Questions T F MC FITB Section II 3 Short Answer Questions Section III 1 Essay Question Potential Short Answer Question Areas Thiroux on the definitions of and relationship between fatalism hard determin ism and soft determinism Fatalism all events are irrevocably fixed and predetermined we cannot alter events in any way we play no causal role in events the future as was the past and as is the present is beyond our effect Hard Determinism we can alter events we play a causal role in events this role is never the result of a free act we cause things but we are never the 1st ultimate cause of events therefore there is no such thing as free free will Soft Determinism we can alter events we play a causal role in events this role is sometimes the result of a free act and sometimes not we cause events sometimes we are the 1st ultimate cause of them and some times we are not thus there is such a thing as freedom Relationship Between Hard Determinism and Fatalism both say no to freedom All three say there can be times when we don t play any role Soft Determinism is the only one in which you can alter events Nietzsche on decadence the solution to decadence and his critique of Socrates response to antagonistic instincts Decadence declining not flourishing not being happy healthy decadence occurs when our instincts become mutually antagonistic ancient Greeks were decadent when Socrates was born Socrates response to this was reason virtue happiness The Problem of Socrates Socrates response to antagonistic instincts reason must rule while this is a way to cope with antagonistic instincts it does not get rid of the an tagonism and it therefore doesn t end decadence real problem how to get instincts back into harmony with each other Socrates response disharmony is natural and can only be dealt with by making reason ruler of instincts Nietzsche s Criticism Socrates claim that reason should rule leads to a rejection of this life and this world and an endorsement of another world Socrates was a decadent person who covered over the problem of decadence by making it the acceptable mode of living instincts are unavoidably antagonistic and reason must rule them philosophizing philosophers should care about other world not this one Nietzsche on natural vs anti natural morality Natural Morality Nietzsche s morality morality that accepts instincts seeks to promote life through them endorses spiritualization of instincts putting our natural instincts to work for our morality that rejects instincts seeks to suppress exterminate them all prior it does not recognize possibility of spiritualized instincts it rejects them and seeks If human beings are not essentially rational but rather essentially instinctual then denial of instincts is a denial of human life in particular and life in general flourishing and happiness Anti natural Morality moralities to suppress them life instincts nature Ortega on man history and freedom Man has no nature man has no fixed or present essence and no fixed or preset life goal end as a result he is radically free Freedom this has 2 senses free to choose what to do 1st power free to choose who what to be man is thus his own project he is what he makes of himself but many is not free to choose to do or be anything History the possibilities he can choose from are determined by world and personal history World History cant be a samurai or knight cant live through holocaust Personal History i was unhappy as an electrician so I ll become a missionary my desire to be a physician was not my desire I ll not pursue it and never fol low someone else s desire again history does not determine what we become just what we can not become Sartre on the core claim of existentialism the 1st principle of existentialism the 1st move of existentialism the human condition and the relationship between them Core claim of all existentialists Christian Atheist is existence precedes essence claim is true of human made things pose created by an intelligent being to be a particular thing and for a particular pur their essence what they are what they are for precedes their existence not true for human beings because God does not exist so mans essence does not Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself man first finds himself in the world without a nature he then makes of himself precede his existence 1st Principle of Existentialism what he is to be 1st Move of Existentialism what he does who what he is if existence really does precede essence man is responsible for what he is man is thus responsible for radical freedom means radical responsibility also responsible to 2nd power but man is not radically responsible only to himself thus the 1st move is that we are responsible for a what we do b who what we are to everyone The Human Condition live our lives in reference to man condition Relationship Between Them we have no fixed essence nature but we have a fixed condition it is a set of fixed circumstances that confront all humans that we all must freely forlornness abandonment anguish anxiety and despair are all part of the hu So since God does not exist and men were placed in this natural world core man is nothing but what he makes himself in this world 1st P Whatever he makes of himself he carries responsibilities to be responsible for what he does and who what he is to everyone 1st M Within this life he lives he is ascribed to a fixed set of circumstances that all other humans are as well and he must live his live freely in reference to these circumstances HC Frye on the oppression of women the method for uncovering oppression and double binds her fundamental claim is that women are oppressed Oppression the molding immobilizing and reducing of a person as a member of a group by systematic forces imposed by another group that in molding immobi lizing and reducing her ensure her subjugation to the latter group Method for Uncovering Oppression consider people in situations as members of group take a macroscopic view of situations failure to do these two things renders one blind to oppression when it occurs example is the male door opening ritual surface message women are respectable underlying actual message women are dependent incapable and their actual needs are unimportant The Double Bind situation in which a person s options are reduced by the oppressive group to only those that result in penalty censure or

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MARQUETTE PHIL 1001 - Exam 3 Study Guide

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