Chapter 4 Continued Socialization and the Life Course 2 24 14 Anticipatory Socialization preparation for future positions occupations and social relationships Resocialization process of learning new norms values attitudes and behaviors Total Institutions a place in which people are cut off from the rest of society and controlled by the officials who run the place concentration camps prisons some religious cults Degradation Ceremony Garfinkel 1956 Socialization Through the Life Course ages 18 29 3 Young Adulthood 1 Childhood 2 Adolescence ages birth 12 ages 13 17 Find out who you are Caused by industrial age Childhood adulthood Caused by industrial age Early Middle Years 30 49 Later Middle Years 50 65 the sandwich generation 5 Older Years ages 65 6 The Later Older Years Longer life expectancy 4 Middle Years ages 30 65 age 75 Chapter 5 Social Groups and Formal Organizations Social Interaction and Reality Social Interaction ways people respond to one another Social Structure the way society is organized into predictable relations Ability to define social reality reflects group s power within society Statuses Status socially defined positions within a large group or society A person can hold more than one status at the same time Ascribed and Achieved Status Ascribed Status status one is born with or given example gender age race Achieved Status status one earns example mother boss student Master Status status that dominates other statuses and determines a person s general position in society In the U S ascribed statuses of race and gender can function as master statuses Master status usually revolves around occupation Social Roles statuses Role behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status Individuals hold a status and perform a role Role Conflict conflict between roles corresponding to two or more Role Strain tension between roles connected to a single status Role Exit process of disengagement from a role that is central to one s identity to establish a new role 1 Doubt 2 Search for Alternatives 3 Action Stage Departure 4 Creation of a New Identity Types of groups Group any number of people with similar norms values and expectations who interact on a regular basis Primary Group small group with intimate face to face association and cooperation example family close friends Secondary Group formal impersonal groups with little social intimacy or mutual understanding can be temporary example a college class In groups and Out groups In groups Out groups belong any groups or categories to which people feel they belong any groups or categories to which people feel they do not Conflict between in groups and out groups can turn violent on a personal as well as political level In groups Out groups Loyalty and Respect we Antagonism and Contempt they Reference groups provide standards by which we make self evaluations If an A student gets an 85 on a test they are unhappy If a B student gets an 85 on a test they are happy Reference Group any group that individuals use as standard for evaluating their own behavior Reference groups set and enforce standards of conduct and Often two or more reference groups influence us at the same Coalitions temporary or permanent alliances geared toward common goal belief time
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