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Changes in course grading second is exam is no longer 40 points but 35 Group project is moved from 20 to 25 points Culture Cont d McDonald s Coffee Lawsuit 1992 Product liability lawsuit became a flashpoint in the debate in the US over tort reform an example of frivolous litigation poster child of excessive lawsuits Mcdonald s continues to be sued over future liability Americans continue to get burned In the UK there was a similar case with tea but it was struck down immediately Culture of shame shame becomes a constraint Culture of guilt being found guilty Culture of fear Tony Hayward former CEO of BP on the oil spill What the hell did we do to deserve this There s n one who wants this over more than I do I would like my life back Promises that BP will honour all legitimate claims for business interruption This is America We re going to have lots of illegitimate claims We all know that Japanese Ad He was demoted and sent off to Russia Japan gets slapped and sued for sexual harassment that they had to put out videos for what was and was not acceptable There s a lot of money that goes to learn how to do international relations in business Do we really want to be like Sweden Stereotype of Sweden electronic music What Swedish companies do you know IKEA Volvo Ericsson expensive socialist super high taxes beautiful blondes very safe ABBA Sweden really isn t that bad there s more equality monetary expenses don t matter that much to the people World s Billionaires Jantelagen Bill Gates Warren Buffet Ingvar Kamprad founder of IKEA Waltons Walmart Don t think that you re special don t think you are as good as us don t think you re smarter than us Social code that encourages modesty and consideration Can see in Norway Denmark Sweden Opposite of Americanism exceptionalism We are the best Business Adaptation Tokyo Disneyland Disney Corp wanted to expand their global market share and capitalize on the success of their theme parks Targeted Japan as their first international venture Opened Tokyo Disneyland in 1984 Did not invest directly in the park let a local japanese firm manage it and only recieved royalties from it It is thriving but Disney s share of the revenue is very small so they re not Has continued its success and continued to grow 70 are repeat happy customers Opened Tokyo DisneySea based on the ocean it was the most expensive theme park ever built over 4 billion to build EuroDisney Introduction AIm is the attempt to expose some typical assumptions of American business and subsequent consequences they took a bigger stake in Disneyland in Europe French people have a very strong culture obsessively strong The Walt Disney corporation is very strong and micromanaging as well There was a pretty big culture clash French see Disneyland as a plastic colorful cheesy stereotype of American culture Told them not to have alcohol couldn t serve wine Working hours are a lot different Fast food is not popular in France The proper person in France sits and have a cigarette and some wine In America they re viewed as losers Building a third culture by combining the two Low risk low return Tokyo vs High risk high return EuroDisney They re building a Disneyland in Hong Kong and Shanghai

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TAMU SOCI 325 - Lecture notes

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