The Panacea for African Americans 1 Why is this section called the panacea for African Americans Panacea means solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases This time period provided solutions to make African American s humans again 2 What is the significance of the Hampton Institute Booker T attended the institute in 1872 The curriculum had puritan principles and believed Negros merited full human status The institute taught Negroes to be teacher with good morals and rooted out lazy natural tendencies Believed industrial training was salvation for Negro race and all values were instilled in Booker T Washington 3 What is industrial training Teaching of practical courses basic farming carpentry print shop brick making home economics secondary school courses Helped prove to whites that blacks are capable 4 What happened at the Atlanta Exposition This was an 1895 speech into a mainly white audience It suggested segregation is compatible with the economic well being of both races Sanctioned Jim Crow practices 5 Describe Booker T Washington s position Believed industrial training was answer to negro salvation because it taught blacks basic knowledge and allowed them to become more independent and get on track to being accepted earning full human recognition 6 What kind of education did W E B DuBois have Born free in Massachusetts Classical program education in high school baccalaureate and doctoral degrees from Fisk Harvard and studied abroad in Berlin 7 Explain the talented tenth Belief that all races had a talented 10th percent that should be educated to become lawyers doctors ministers community leaders and businessmen The industrial education was undermining talented 10th because it prevented them from reaching their full potential 8 What is the NAACP and its importance National Association of Advancement for Colored People Argued that once Negroes obtained good education discrimination would disappear Attacked separate but equal 9 What is Plessy vs Ferguson US Supreme Court legalized segregation of races Provided Separate but equal facilities for blacks and whites White facilities had more funding 10 What did Brown vs Education do and when 1954 Supreme court ruled that Separate but equal was not to be used in public education One year later tried to eliminate all segregated education facilities 11 Describe W E B DuBois position Believed higher education and specialization was the road to Negro salvation White America could not deny equal rights once the talented 10th of Negro population achieved higher education 12 How does Martin Luther King s position differ from those of Washington and DuBois Rejected schooling as the solution to the negro problem Use of non violence protest against discrimination sought to educate white population to humanity and absurdity of racial discrimination in America Also he used media 13 How does King define just and unjust Just Law man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of god Unjust Law code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself Any law that uplifts human personality is just Any law that degrades human personality is unjust Maxine Greene 1 How did Greene exemplify her belief in multiple ways of knowing Greene traveled to different places to learn and worked in many different fields in order to gain new perspectives such as becoming involved in antifascists activities in support of the Republic of Spain worked in a doctors office served as legislative director of the American Labor party in Brooklyn etc 2 What does Greene mean by freedom Freedom is like virtue and it cannot be taught Freedom is being awaken to the realities of the world and the belief that things do not have to remain as they are and can be rekindled 3 What does Greene mean by barriers to freedom Barriers to freedom are those things that impede or obstruct our struggle to define ourselves and fulfill our potential 4 How does Greene define the educated person An educated person is someone who recognizes and attacked barriers in order to broaden horizons and gain freedom 5 Why should the arts be a central part of the curriculum Arts can change human beings who can change the world Art gives students freedom Jane Roland Martin important 1 What does Martin mean by reclaiming a conversation and why is it Historically women have typically been excluded from the conversation that constitutes the history of western educational thought when women have written about the education of women their work has found no place of central concern and is ignored education of women is truly problematic and questions regarding it cannot be answered by men s solutions 2 What conversation is Martin referring to You learn to be an educated person through conversation You should speak with a diversity of people and hear many different perspectives 3 What is the difference between claiming and receiving an education When students are active and involved they are claiming their education rather than receiving it Paulo Freire 1 What does Freire mean by the culture of silence The poor are oppressed and are kept silent but the rich and powerful people 2 Describe Freire s problem posing method of education Expands ability to understand and find meaning in experiences This is how Freire believes education should be It is similar to the Socratic method where students ask questions to reach answers Allow students to be more active learners 3 What does Freire mean by the banking method of education Considered students as a bank and deposited knowledge Students are taught by direct instruction Students were taught what they were told and never questioned it 4 For Freire what is the significance of words 5 According to Freire how does his pedagogy center on dialogue The pedagogy is the encounter between men mediated by the world in order to name the world Nel Noddings 1 Why does Noddings say that her life developed as a result of happy accidents Noddings says that her professional life is the result of accidents coincidences which presented her with opportunities of which she was able to take advantage These accidents involved loving and caring relationships in which education was enhanced because of the care for learning associated with these relationships 2 What two qualities does Noddings believe are required to initiate the changes that our schools need Education must change to be grounded in caring and courage Children
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