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Final Cumulative Exam review concepts Final exam There are 2 parts to the final 65 total questions The cumulative part will be 25 questions Below are 35 review concepts questions I will draw 25 questions from these concepts The second part of the exam will be 40 questions on the last lectures since exam 4 The final exam will be formatted as before with an individual part 55 Q s and a group part 10 Q s The final exam is April 30 at 4 40 6 30 PM in room 105 Forum Bldg GI tract and macronutrients 1 What is the function of the pancreas Think digestion and hormones Where is insulin made Where is glucagon made The role of the pancreas in digestion is to secrete hormones Insulin endocrine is made in the pancreas in response to high blood sugar In response to insulin cells muscle red blood cells and fat cells take glucose in from the blood which ultimately lowers the high blood glucose levels back to the normal range Glucagon exocrine is secreted by the pancreas when blood glucose is too low Blood glucose is low between meals and during exercise When blood glucose is high no glucagon is secreted from the alpha cells Glucagon has the greatest effect on the liver although it affects many different cells in the body Glucagon s function is to cause the liver to release stored glucose from its cells into the blood Endocrine Releases juices in blood stream insulin Exocrine releases juices into ducts bicarbonate 2 What is bile and what is its function Bile is an emulsifier that prepares oils and fats for digestion It helps breakdown fats Made Liver Stored Gallbladder 3 What are the functions of the small intestine vs the large intestine or colon Small Intestine Absorption Large Intestine Absorb water and electrolytes some reabsorption 4 Describe the causes and treatment of heartburn Causes If the Esophageal sphincter opens too often or doesn t close tight enough stomach acid can reflux into esophagus and cause the burning sensation Treatment Eat sitting up eat small portions constant meals and avoid spicy foods If overweight lose weight Drugs antacids prescription etc neutralize acid 5 Describe molecules and foods which are classified as monosaccharides and disaccharides ie simple sugars and polysaccharides complex carbohydrates or starches What is absorbed into the body faster a slice of white bread or a couple of teaspoons of white table sugar Think glycemic index Monosaccharaides Glucose fructose galactose fruit honey dextrose Disaccharides Maltose sucrose lactose white table sugar brown sugar Polysaccharides Amylose amylopectin plants glycogen animals cellulose plant fiber 6 Compare and contrast insoluble and soluble dietary fiber in terms of composition and function Oatmeal and legumes are rich in fiber What is the benefit in terms of heart disease How much total dietary fiber is recommended by experts Insoluble Composition Non viscous doesn t form gel less fermentable Rich in oatmeal and legumes Function Accelerates transit moves through GI tract quickly and increases bulk Soluble Composition Vicious gel like fermentable Rich in fruits and oat bran Function Softens stool and lowers blood cholesterol Benefits in terms of heart disease Decrease blood cholesterol especially soluble vitamins Proposed mechanisms Fermentation products in colon inhibits cholesterol synthesis in liver Increase excretion of fecal cholesterol and bile Increase fiber foods tend to lower intake of animal fatty foods heart healthy Men 38 g d Women 25 g d 7 The hormone that lowers blood glucose after a meal is insulin The hormone glucagon causes the liver to break down glycogen to raise blood glucose when you are hungry or fasting What is glycogen and where is it stored Glycogen is a polysaccharide and is stored in the liver 8 Explain the similarities and differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes cause and symptoms List risk factors for type 2 diabetes Type 1 diabetes auto immune disease 8 12 years old genetics Cause body turns against beta cells loss of function of beta cells in the pancreas decrease insulin production Symptoms thirst polyuria significant weight loss ketosis Type 2 diabetes Adult onset 55 of people are overweight or obese Genetics Cause decreased insulin sensitivity body develops resistance at the receptor level or signal inside cell IN THE END decrease insulin production Symptoms Increase or decrease weight thirst Risk factors weight exercise level inactive sedentary fat distribution 8 Describe pyruvate and acetyl CoA Where do they fall in the scheme of energy production Which energy nutrients are converted to acetyl CoA Which energy nutrients are converted to pyruvate Which energy nutrient cannot be converted to pyruvate and thus glucose What is the significance of NADH in glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle ie why do we generate it and where does it go next Pyruvate is a 3 carbon molecule and is a product of glycolysis that helps to fuel the Krebs Cycle Acetyl CoA is a 2 carbon molecule that binds with OAA to make a 6 carbon molecule that keeps that Krebs cycle running Carbs can be converted to pyruvate Fats cannot be converted to pyruvate and thus glucose NADH in glycolysis and the Krebs cycle is that it is generated and is used in the electron transport chain to produce ATP 9 Why are some vegetable proteins of lower protein quality than meat or egg protein Understand the concept of limiting amino acids and the major limiting amino acids in the food we eat Some vegetable proteins of lower protein quality than meat or egg protein are of lower quality because the quality is decided by the lowest essential amino acid can only use as much as the most limiting Egg 100 10 Define RDA Define UL RDA Recommended daily allowance UL Upper Limit 12 Know how to read a food label How is DV on the top and bottom of a food label calculated Where do you get the denominators to calculate that DV Find the DV for fat on a food label Is the DV for calcium the RDA for calcium Explain Top and bottom amount in 1 serving DV 100 You get denominators to calculate that DV by the number of calories There is no DV for calcium because an inadequate source of calcium can lead to osteoporosis 13 Know the differences in structure of a saturated fat vs PUFA vs MUFA Bond differences Olive oil and canola oil are particularly rich in which type of fatty acids PUFA methyl group and carboxylic ends 2 or more double bonds MUFA methyl group and carboxylic ends 1 double bond Saturated No double bonds Olive oil and canola oil

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PSU NUTR 251 - Final Cumulative Exam

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