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Chapter 5 Planning and Recruitment Three Stages o Forecasting o Goal Setting and Strategic Planning o Program Implementation and Evaluation Know your Labor Force o Head Count Reports Forecasting o Determine Labor Demand Derived from product service demanded External in nature o Determine Labor Supply Internal movements caused by transfers promotions turnover retirements ect Transitional matrices identify employee movements over time Used for AA EEO purposes o Determine Labor Surplus or Shortage Classify Labor Force o Ranking o Top Grading A B and C players o Other Systems Classification Systems o Part time workers work year round less than 40 hrs a week no breaks in service o Seasonal work for short period of time triggered by an event must be a significant break in service more than 6 weeks off o Full time work year around 40hrs a week or more not breaks in service o Non exempt Employees compensation hourly or piece rate is subject to all fair labor standards act FLSA typically salary employee do not get paid over time o Exempt Must earn at least 455 a week and have a higher level of decision Affirmative Action Planning o Plan for various subgroups within a labor force o Workforce utilization review is a comparison of the proportion of workers in protected subgroups with the proportion that each subgroup represents o Planned elimination of large numbers of personnel designed to enhance organizational Downsizing competitiveness o Reasons to downsize Reduce labor costs Technological changes reduced need for labor Mergers and acquisitions reduce bureaucratic overhead Organizations choose to change the location of where they do business Effects of Downsizing o Long term effects of improperly managed downsizing efforts can be negative o Many downsizing campaigns let go of people who turn out to be irreplaceable assets o Employees who service the staff purges often become narrow minded self absorbed and risk averse Early Retirement Programs o Aging Workforce is increasing o Baby boomers are not retiring early due to Improved health Fear that social security will be cut Mandatory retirement is outlawed Employment of Temporary Workers o Hiring temp workers to help eliminate a labor shortage and affords flexibility needed to operate efficiently during swings in demand Temp workers free a firm from administrative tasks and financial burdens Temp workers are often times tested by a temp agency Many temp agencies train employees before sending them to employees Recruitment Question of fit between the company and the candidate o Would this be a good candidate for the position o Is this the right type of job for me Personnel Policies o Organizational decisions that affect the nature of the vacancies which people are o Characteristics of the vacancy and more important than recruiters or recruiting recruited sources Internal Versus External Recruiting Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic rewards Employment at will policies Image advertising Time to fill the position Standard Process o Review the Job Description o Interview the hiring managers about the job and specific knowledge skills and abilities they are looking for o Possibly profile the position to determine competencies o Identify potential websites monster career ladders ect Job fairs professional sources possible referral networks o Post the position and modified job description internally or advertise the position externally Best Source o Employee referrals Bonuses o Networking Professional groups Social Media o Internship and coop programs Employment Branding o Uses same principles as in product branding o Image of industry company Recruiters o Functional Area HR vs operating area specialist College recruiter All employees o Traits o Realism Realistic job preview Honesty Two Steps to enhance recruiter impact o Provide timely feedback o Recruit in teams o Follow up Selection and Placement Warm informative good listener good judge of people Selection Method Standards for Evaluation Purposes o Reliability The degree of a measure of physical abilities traits if free from random error Correlation Coefficient o Strong Positive 1 0 o Strong negative 1 0 Test retest reliability knowing how scores on the measure at one time relate to scores on the same measure at another time Split Half determines whether the test consistently measures the same Internal Consistency Cronbach Alpha Inter rater or Inter Judge Reliability do raters have similar ratings for the same construct subjects and tests o Validity The extent to which a performance measure assesses all the relevant and only the relevant aspects of job performance Criterion related Validation A method of establishing the validity of a personnel selection method by showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance score o Predictive validation SAT a prediction o Concurrent validation not a prediction a level of what a person can do today more used in organizations Content Validation test validation strategy performed by demonstrating that the items questions or problems posed by a test are a representative sample of the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job Best for small samples Achieved primarily through expert judgment Construct Validity Does the test measure the underlying concepts that its states in the measure Social Validity Applicant Reactions Participation and control Transparency Feedback o Generalize ability o Utility o Legality The degree to which information provided by selection methods enhances the effectiveness of selecting personnel Impacted by reliability validity and generalize ability All selection methods must conform to existing laws and legal precedents The validity of a selection procedure is only as strong as its weakest link Three acts have formed the basis for majority of the suits filed by job applicants Civil rights act of 1964 and 1991 Age discrimination in employment act 1967 Americans with disabilities act of 1991 Results of bad measurement o Bias in the selection process Conscious bias adverse treatment Unconscious bias adverse impact o Inaccuracies o Public image High Performer Low Performer Selection Interviews Bad Assessment Score False Negative True Negative Good Assessment Score True Positive False Positive o A dialogue initiated by one or more persons to gather information and evaluate the an applicant s qualification for employment o Increase an interview s utility Interviews should be structured standardized and focused

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KSU MIS 34180 - Chapter 5: Planning and Recruitment

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