Chapter 1 Competiveness a company s ability to gain maintain market share HR management The policies practices and systems that influence employees behavior attitudes and performance Functions of HR o o o o o o o o o o o o o Training and development Compensation Performance management Employee Relations Employee and Community Relations Personnel Records Health and safety Strategic Planning Talent Management Organization Design Develop talent Design Reward systems Shape the Organization Strategic Architect Recognize Business Ally Operational Executor Outsourcing The practice of having another company provide services to save money and spend more time on strategic business issues Responsibilities Analysis and design of work HR Planning Recruiting Selection Employment and recruiting Training and Development Compensation Benefits Employee Services 3 Main Product Lines o o o Administrative Services and Transactions Business Partner Services Strategic Planner 6 Competencies for HR Profession Credible Activist o o Cultural Steward Building relationships w management Share Information Influencing others Facilitates Change Developing and Valuing the culture Help employees navigate the culture Change o Moving from people to Technology Self service Giving employees online access to information about HR issues How is HR Management Function Changing Evidence Based Facts and figures HRM Profession Competitive Challenges Technology Sustainability o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Salaries depend on education and experience as well as types of industry SHRM is the professional society Survival Stakeholders Customers community employees Return to shareholders Provide high quality services Increase value on intangible assets Intangible assists Human capital social capital intellectual capital Knowledge workers employees who contribute to the company through a specialized body of knowledge Empowerment giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding all aspects of product development or customer service Social responsibility Legal and Ethical Issues Effectively use new work arrangements 2 Changes in employment expectations Psychological Contract Alternative work arrangement Global Concerns with employee engagement The Balanced scorecard Gives managers the opportunity to look at the company from perspective of internal and external customers employees and shareholders Should link HRM activities to the company s business strategy Four sections Financial Operational Customer Employee o o o o Evaluate How customers see us How we excel How to improve and create value o What do the shareholders think TQM Total Quality Management Every employee receives training in quality Promote cooperation with vendors suppliers and customers o Methods and processes are designed to meet internal and external customers needs o o o Managers measure progress with feedback based on data o Quality is designed into a product or service so that errors are prevented from occurring rather than being detected ad corrected Customer Service and Quality emphasis o Malcolm Baldrige National quality award prestigious award o o o ISO 9000 2000 Six Sigma Process Lean Thinking Changing Demographics Workforce Diversity Internal Current Employees External Labor Persons actively seeking employment o o Managing a Diverse Workforce US Workforce Aging Increased Workforce Diversity Influence of Immigration o o o Communicate coach and develop employees from a variety of backgrounds Provide performance feedback that is based on objective outcomes Create a work environment that makes it comfortable for employees of all backgrounds to be creative and innovative Recognize o Legal o 5 areas of legal environments Equal employment opportunity Employee safety and health Employee pay and benefits Employee privacy Job security o Women and minorities still face the glass ceiling o Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 Hiring process of board of directors Development of boards Penalties Lilly Ledbetter Act Compensation of fairness and pay specifically around women Allows to bring lawsuits against a company No limitation of how far back you can go Ethics principles by which employees and companies interact o o o o o o HR Practice HRM practices must result in the greatest good for the largest number of people Employment practices must respect basic human rights of privacy due process consent and free speech Managers must treat employees and customers equitably and fairly The Global Challenge To survive companies must compete in internal markets Off shoring exporting jobs over seas On shoring exporting jobs to rural parts of US Technology The internet has created new business e commerce conducting business transactions and relationships electronically Human resource Information systems HRIS Use and availability of e HR Work systems o o o Chapter 2 Strategic HRM Strategic Management Virtual teams Changes in skill requirements Partnership Phases o Strategy Formulation Goal deploy and allocate resources in a way that gives an organization a competitive advantage HRM Must be integrally involved in the company s strategic management process A process to address the organization s competitive challenges HRM the pattern of planned HR activities and deployments intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals Process of deciding company s strategic direction by defining a mission and goals Where how and with what will we compete Can we actually do this Directional Strategies HR should be involved Implementation Concentration Internal Growth External Growth Downsizing Focus on critic things in organization Growing organically Acquiring vendors suppliers competitors Shrinking the size of the company get rid of things that don t have value reduce costs raise profits o Mergers and Acquisitions Acquiring other types of companies i e banks Strategy o Mission Vision Goals External analysis Statement of the organization reason of being short term Accomplish in the future long term Hopes to achieve in the medium to long term future Operating environment to identify strategic opportunity and threats Looking at competitors Internal analysis Strategic Choice Strength and weaknesses Strategy which describes the ways the organization will attempt to fulfill its mission and achieve its long term goals Strategy Linkages look at mode o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Administrative One Way HRM Practices Job Analysis and Design
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