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BIO 120 Objectives 2 General Zoology BIO 120 Lecture NOVA Loudoun Campus Fall 2013 Chapter 2 Objectives Please respond to the following questions in preparation for the lecture evaluation on this material 1 What is ecology examples of each 2 What are ecosystems What are biotic and abiotic factors HINT students should know two 3 What is the biosphere What are the lithosphere hydrosphere and atmosphere 4 What are intraspecific and interspecific interactions 5 What is a species What is the Biological Species Concept What is species diversity 6 What are species range and zoogeography 7 What is population density What are Type I Type II and Type III survivorship curves HINT students should understand and be able to recreate Figure 2 1 8 What is the equation for population growth What are exponential growth and logistic growth HINT students should understand and be able to recreate Figure 2 2 9 What are K selected populations and r selected populations 10 What are the individualistic concept and holistic concept of communities 11 What is ecological succession What is primary and secondary succession HINT students should know an example of each What are pioneer species What are the pioneer stage seral stage and climax stage 12 What are habitat and ecological niche What are fundamental niche and realized niche What is competitive exclusion 13 What is symbiosis What are predation commensalism mutualism and parasitism HINT students should be able to describe these terms using the symbols and or 0 What are mimicry aposemtatic coloration phoresy inquilinism and metabiosis BIO 120 Objectives 2 Ecology study of organisms and relation with their environment Ecosystem involves biotic and abiotic factors Lithosphere land Hydrosphere water Atmosphere air Intraspecific within a species Interspecific among different species Species like organisms that have the ability to reproduce with each other and produce viable offspring Species diversity measure how many different species there are in an area Range amount of space a species can occupy Zoogeography study of patterns and distributions of species Population growth r b d i e Logistic growth S shaped curve population grows until it reaches k k selected Exponential r selected species typically rapid growth despite k massive die off species typically later K selected species Stable populations Resources are limited Logistic curve More advanced at equilibrium Longer life expectancy Parental care smaller littler size Larger R selected species Thrive in more unstable environments High fecundity Smaller Short generation time Reach reproductive maturity sooner Individualistic community move forward independently Holistic community rely on each other move forward together Ecological succession changes to structure of community to increase biological diversity Primary Secondary New environment never been colonized before Mosses and lichens first to colonize i e new island formation Once inhabited area that is disturbed and recolonized As long as soil is intact ecological succession can occur Pioneer stage i e clear cutting forest fires Colonize area Typically r selected species BIO 120 Objectives 2 Seral stage Intermediate Mixture of k and r select species Climax stage Mostly k select More stable environment Habitat where life forms can exist Ecological niche specific area specialization of where organism lives i e section of a tree Fundamental niche what a species may need or require for survival Realized niche more realistic exact requirements for survival Competitive exclusion when two species compete for the same resources character displacement and resource partitioning Symbiosis an intimate relationship between two distantly related species Commensalism 0 one member has some benefit and the other member is not impacted i e shark and remore epiphites Mutualism both benefit not always equal i e clown fish and sea anemone corals and algae bacteria and body Parasitism leeching of materials Predation one member consumes the other benefits one kills the other

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NOVA BIO 120 - General Zoology (BIO 120) Lecture

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