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Written Report on the Design Delivery and Evaluation of a Human Services Program BSHS 471 Missouri Department of Corrections offer treatment programs for offenders while still incarcerated One of the programs available to offenders is the sexual offender assessment and treatment program According to the Missouri Department of Corrections design and deliver the director of the Department of Corrections is mandated RSMo 589 040 to develop a program of treatment education and rehabilitation for sexual assault offenders Missouri strives to employ highly trained individuals who work hard and take pride in his and her position By department policy the successful completion of MOSOP is mandatory for a release prior to an inmate s sentence completion date The MOSOP program consisting of approximately 12 months of therapy is provided at the Farmington Correctional Center for men and the Women s Eastern Reception Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Vandalia for females The groups for handicapped offenders and those in protective custody are currently held at the Eastern Reception Diagnostic and Correctional Center The department has also instituted community based sex offender treatment to probationers and parolees Those who fail to complete successfully are required to complete their entire sentence and are not released prior to that date In CY 08 237 offenders completed the Missouri Sex Offender Program Sex Offender Assessment Unit the Sex Offender Assessment Unit SOAU at Farmington Correctional Center is a 120 day residential program that was established in FY 94 It is designed to assess community risks and sex offender treatment needs Information is shared with the court for release considerations during CY 08 98 offenders were assessed for the courts at the SOAU doc mo gov division rehab php The community reentry funding initiative was launched in 2005 to provide services for employment transportation treatment life skills education and basic needs such as food clothing identification services and hygiene According to the Missouri Board of Probation and Parole 2009 Annual Report In evaluating the first six months of outcomes since these changes we have found that the trend in lower revocation rates has continued and there has been no increase in law violation returns doc mo gov division rehab php with recidivism rate beginning at 41 and declining to 36 Missouri seems to strive for public safety and provide services for the sex offenders out on probation or parole Missouri s mission is to improve public safety through secure confinement and effective community interventions Through our cooperative efforts to provide effective correctional services we hold offenders accountable for their behavior and prepare them to be productive citizens doc mo gov division rehab php Reference doc mo gov division rehab php

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