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How might a human services case manager use consultative services A human services Case manager may want to use consultative services by recommending services that help their client better themselves such as counseling therapy and support groups These types of consultative services help human services case managers and their case loads Consultative services provide opportunities privacy and help for people The human services case managers would be seeking support from the consultative service in return as far as the services they offer Response 2 The human services managers uses the consultation of other agencies for children families may be serviced by community based medical social educational or childcare services as a result of their participation in early intervention The purpose of this consultation is to facilitate successful accommodation and full participation of children families in these settings A good case management tool will track the information you need to work with a client such as their age address job history medical history and childcare situation It will also track all the contacts between your staff and the client the individualized plan for your client and the progress towards the plan And it will allow you to assess outcomes and report on all the information collected Case management systems can do even more such as helping with workflow and scheduling For instance based on the information you enter about a client they can recommend that your client meet with a dietician help to schedule that meeting and send the dietician a reminder This can really help to streamline internal communications and avoid miscommunication The systems can also help to automate your billing processes particularly if you need to bill government entities or insurance companies Response 3 The way a human services case manager uses the consultative services by providing services from other agencies Some of the services that the client might need would be for counseling support groups and health The Case Manager coordinates the process consulting informal careers and key service providers to ensure that the plan is developed appropriately clearly contracted and monitored for effective and financially accountable service provision based on specified and desired outcomes

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UOPX BSHS 471 - Human services Case manager

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