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Running head WEEK ONE DISCUSSION SUMMARY 1 Week One Discussion Summary BSHS 471 WEEK ONE DISCUSSION SUMMARY 2 Which personal characteristics do you consider essential for a successful career in human services Which characteristics should be considered detrimental Week One Discussion Summary As a team we believe the personal characteristics essential in the human services career field are good communication skills caring passionate diverse understanding and motivation These personal characteristics are important in the human services career field to ensure the client base wants to work with the worker If a human services worker cannot communicate well or does not understand to the clients needs the client may look elsewhere for help Becky states Communication is important to be successful in a career plus caring about your job creates a positive impact on lives These characteristics help build a rapport with the client Tanya mentions that human service workers have to work to establish rapports with clients and organizations he or she will refer clients too Char believes that human service workers have to build a rapport with their clients in order to help them and that it is important for the worker to be supportive and understanding Brittany believes that a good characteristic should be friendly a great listener understanding and have a considerate personality Helping others is a strong characteristic that human service workers should possess There are also characteristics that can be a detriment to a human service worker which are being judgmental prejudice having a negative attitude and not knowing how to communicate Zolia indicates that without communication two individuals cannot get their points across to one another Communication is key both individuals must talk to and listen to WEEK ONE DISCUSSION SUMMARY 3 the other person so that understanding may filter between both sides Last being judgmental of a client who has come to a human service worker for help can lead to rudeness and unprofessional behavior believes Eunice A human service worker who cannot work without being judgmental or prejudice toward a person or group should remove him or herself from the situation and perhaps try to figure out how to overcome the characteristic for next time Some characteristics that would not form into a successful human service worker would be negative outlook on situations not caring for others feelings and being bias and always stating personal opinions

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