Chapter 7 Innovation and Change I a Technological Cycles Innovation technology and ends when the technology is replaced by a newer form of tech a cycle that begins with the birth of a new i S Curve Pattern Pattern of technological innovation characterized by slow initial progress then rapid progress then slow progress again as tchnoology slows and reaches its limits Innovation Streams sustainable competitive advantage patterns of innovation over time that can create ii when a scientific advance or a 2 doscountinous Change 1 Technologival Discontinuity unique combination of existing technologies creates significant breakthroughs in performing or function characterized by technological substitution and design competition 3 Technological Subsitution t oreplace older ones 4 Design Competition technologies to establish a new dominant design competiton between old and new the phase of a technological cycle the purchase of new technoligies a Dominant Design the market standard b Creative Work Environments perceive that new ideas are welcomed valued and encouraged workplace culture in which workers i Organizational encouragement ii Supervisory encouragement iii Work group encouragement iv Freedom v Lack of organizational impediments vi Challenging work c Experiential Apprioach managing innovation during discountinous change i Highly uncertain times of development intuition 1 2 flexible options 3 hands on experience 4 accelerating leanring and understanding d Compression Approach managing innovation during incremental change i Assumes innovation is predictable innovation can be planned given a series ofstepscompressing time can speed up innovation II Organizational Change that occurs when companies don t anticipate recognize neutralize or adapt to the internal pressure that threaten their survival a large decrease in organizational performance a Organizational Decline i Blinded stage Inaction stage ii iii Faulty action stage iv Crisis stage v Dissolution stage b Managing Change i Need to convince people that change is needed ii Have processe to implement change iii Supporting these changes through thick and thin c Results driven change Program i Set measurable short term goals ii Action steps improve measured performance iii Stress importance of immediate improvement iv Solicit help from consultants and staffers v Test actiop steps to see if they yield improvement vi Use resources you already have d Steps for Organizational Development Intervention i Entry ii StartUp iii Assesment and Feedback iv Action Planning v Intervention vi Evaluation vii Adoption viii Seperation e
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