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HUMAN COMM WK9 QUIZ Score 10 10 When Katie is asked what she likes most about Jay s Steak House she replies that it is cheap In this instance the term cheap is Question 1 1 Answer a polarizing b relative c jargon d syntactic 1 points Question 2 1 Answer a True b False 1 points Question 3 1 Answer We convey information about our power over others or our connection with them throughrelational messages Jason says that Kelly is a nice girl Jason s comment is a conveying allness b conveying disaffiliation A doctor tells her friends that she had a difficult day because a patient coded They do not understand her meaning because she has used c precise d polarizing 1 points Question 4 1 Answer a a relative term b a precise term c a polarizing term d jargon 1 points Question 5 1 Answer 1 points Question 6 1 According to the textbook what is the primary risk of using jargon a Listeners may be overly impressed b Listeners may become alienated c Listeners will think the speaker is incompetent in his or her field d Listeners will think the speaker does not care about impressing them Since language is symbolic which of the following is true Answer a word meanings are not arbitrary b words are the same as meanings c people respond to denotative rather than connotative meanings d words do not themselves have meaning but represent ideas feelings objects or events Referring to a person s race ethnicity or gender when those characteristics are not relevant isreferred to as marking A formal system of written characters representing a language s spoken words is a syntax When you use language to clarify the action you are seeing you are providing anoperational description 1 points Question 7 1 Answer a True b False 1 points Question 8 1 Answer a True b False 1 points Question 9 1 Answer a True b False 1 points Question 10 1 Answer a True b False Rules that govern the way words are combined in sentences are syntactic

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