Adverse Alacrity cheerful readiness or willingness We accepted the invitation with alacrity Amicable friendly characterized by showing goodwill Anathema person or thing detested or loathed Ascend Astute clever cunning shrewd Avid Cognizant Corroborate to make more certain or confirm Desist to cease or stop Diatribe a sharp attack or criticism Doleful sorrowful mournful Dregs least valuable part of something any small quantity Duress intimidation compulsion by threat or force Effigy crude representation of someone disliked used for purpose of ridicule Egregious extraordinary in a bad way an egregious mistake Emaciated Eschew to shun or avoid to abstain or keep away from Euphemism Exacerbate Expunge Flinty unyielding unmerciful Forthwith immediately without delay Furtive sly shifty secretive Gesticulate Harbinger anything that foreshadows a future event Haven Histrionics exaggerated expression of emotion dramatic behavior or speech Imminent Implacable Implore to beg urgently or piteously Importune to demand to make improper advances towards a person Impunity exemption from punishment or consequences Inane lacking sense or significance Inchoate Incipient beginning to exist or appear in an initial stage Incisive remarkably clear and direct penetrating or cutting incisive tone of voice Indigent lacking necessities of life because of poverty deficient in what is requisite Inert having little or no inherent power of action motion or resistance Inundate to overwhelm Inveigh to attack vehemently with words protest strongly Jaunty easy and sprightly in manner walk with a jaunty step Loathe Lurid glaringly vivid or sensational shocking revolting Meticulous Mundane Nefarious extremely wicked or villainous Nuance a subtle difference or distinction in expression or meaning Obviate to anticipate and prevent difficulties by preventive measures Overt open to view or knowledge not secret Paucity smallness of quantity scarcity Perfunctory lacking interest care or enthusiasm performed as a routine duty Pernicious evil or wicked deadly fatal Peruse to read through with thoroughness Phlegmatic apathetic sluggish Plethora Poignant Precipitate to hasten the occurrence of to bring about prematurely Premise Privation lack of the usual comforts or necessaries of life Propitious favorable Pugnacious inclined to quarrel or fight combative Raze to tear down or demolish to shave or scrape off Remuneration the act of payment or compensation for work trouble etc Replete complete abundantly supplied or provided Repudiate to reject with disapproval to reject as having no authority repudiate a claim Reticent reserved reluctant or restrained Sally sudden rushing forth or activity to set out briskly Sanguine cheerfully optimistic or hopeful confident Sinecure a position requiring little to no effort but giving the holder status or financial benefit Steeped to immerse in or saturate with some pervading influence Stentorian very loud or powerful in sound Subjugate to make submissive to bring under complete control Subterranean operating out of sight secret or hidden Succumb Supine inactive passive or inert especially from indifference Surmise to think or infer without strong evidence conjecture guess
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