364 Study Guide Introduction to OB Organization o A social unit of people systemically structured o Consciously organized social unit o Composed of 2 or more people o Managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals o On a continuing basis o All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between functions and positions o Subdivides and delegates roles responsibilities and authority to carry out defined tasks Organizations are open systems o They affect and are affected by the environment beyond their boundaries o Structure technology task and the people all affect and are affected by the external environment Types of organizations o Formal organizations official legitimately and the most visible part of the organizations o Informal organizations unofficial less visible BUT not less important They are the beliefs perceptions informal leaders etc o Hawthorne studies conducted in 1920s and 1930s were concerned with the importance of informal organizations Said changes in participants behavior during the course of a study are related to the social setting and treatment they received There is an increase in worked productivity when employees are singled out and made to feel important Informal organization affects productivity o Formal and informal elements of an organization can sometimes conflict Evidence based management you don t know o The attitude of wisdom knowing what you know and knowing what Having confidence that you know it however having enough doubt to still want to learn Being open to still learning regardless of how much experience you have Striking a balance between over confidence and under confidence Argue as if your right listen as if your wrong o Being committed to fact based and evidence based action o Running experiments and learning from the data o Knowing what the theory and evidence is and using it in formulating decisions and policies 364 Study Guide o Scientific management data driven quantifiable application of technology o Scientific grounding Scientific method basis for predication management Scientific process iterative empirical theoretical relevance o Example in the gaming industry What they thought Since high rollers are in important source of profit use free rooms to attract them Building beautiful ambiances and make them family friendly The facts free chips and meals are more important than rooms Families with young children have neither discretionary income or time so their not a target market Free chips and meals are more important than rooms because most gamblers live nearby Most profits come from regular players of slot machines not high rollers Perception Perception and Social Perception Perceptual devises o Perception is a process where individuals organize their sensory inputs in order to give meaning to their environments o Social perception process of interpreting information about another person Depends on characteristics of perceiver target situation o Selective perception tendency to infer information that supports our viewpoints when you see 2 different pictures and don t notice a diff o First impression error primacy effect using limited information obtained in a first encounter to infer what a person is really like o Schemas and scripts categorizations and descriptions of the characteristic features of people situations etc o Self fulfilling prophecy Pygmalion effect provoking the response we expect in other people o Projection False Consensus Effect assuming that our beliefs values are commonly held and normal Overestimation of commonality o Halo Effect drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic Can be positive or negative o Contrast effect your evaluation of people is affected by comparisons with other recently encountered people o Attributions explaining causes of behavior Self serving bias if failure situation responsible if success self responsible Mental Models implicit unspoken generalizations simplifications or theories about the world 364 Study Guide o Powerful in influences how we see decide act and thus conduct our behavior o They can become a problem when They are outdated no longer match reality Left unexamined can no longer be openly examined Widely and or strongly held cannot examine alternative models The truth about perception o Good Our environment is too complex to handle it as it is Perceptual devices help us process information efficiently They enable and guide our judgment decisions and actions o Bad They often don t match reality Many decision failures in organizations come from the mismatch between decision makers perceived reality and actual reality Stereotypes o Generalizations about a group of people improve efficiency of thinking and there is an increase in strength when shared and validated by others o They can result in self fulfilling prophecy we become the stereotype o Or they can lead to a stereotype threat we put effort into acting The ladder of Inference shows the general steps in thinking process that opposite the stereotype people take to make a decision o First select a set of a data from the pool of data o Name or give meaning to the data o Draw an inference conclusion or judgment from the named data and make a decision about what to do REVIEW SLIDE 3 FOR RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERCEPTION AND CASES o Work interdependently discuss decide and do real work together Building Effective Teams A team joint effort o Have a team identity boundary o Collective work products services Why do we use teams o Integrate Knowledge skills teams can utilize a wide range of knowledge o To cope with complexity they are effective in tackling complex issues that require considering multiple perspectives and coordinating a series of unified actions 364 Study Guide o Foster motivation commitment they facilitate employee participation in making decisions and taking actions o Synergy cooperation the creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts Success factors for a team o A clear and elevating goal competent and committed members a collaborative climate high standards of excellence strong leadership Hackman s Model Factors that Influence Team Effectiveness o Inputs Processes Outputs Inputs Clean engaging direction common goal Team design roles size culture personality Team Organizational Context rewards training resources Processes Task related Interpersonal dynamics Why do Dream Teams Fail o Because there not a team they are
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