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Theories and Study of Comp Poli Comparative Politics The search for knowledge about underlying political forces and processes by comparing political phenomena in one country with those of other countries Politics The struggle in any group for power that will give one or more persons the ability to make decisions for the larger group Power The ability to influence or impose one s will on others The ability to make someone do what they otherwise would not do or conversely to not do what they otherwise would do Theory A social science theory is a reasoned and precise speculation about the answer to a research question including a statement about why the proposed answer is correct Set of systematically related generalizations Hypothesis A testable statement about a relationship between two or more concepts Explanations of difference between nations are probabilistic statements as poli sci is not a mechanical science Concept An idea that represents an actual phenomenon May become either the independent of dependent variable in a research design Provides a common point of reference for grouping phenomenon E g the concept of prime minister we can compare leaders with different names that still fall within the role of prime minister Need to define concepts before you can talk about theory or why Variables Measurable characteristics of cases that can vary or chance Based on concepts Conceptualization Be sure to DEFINE THE CONCEPTS that will serve as variables Dependent Variable The effect Phenomena thought to be influenced by other variable What we re trying to find out about Independent Variable The cause The phenomena thought to influence another phenomena Methods of comparison to construct and test hypothesis Inductive Reasoning Observation Theory Deductive Reasoning Theory Observations Qualitative Research Fewer cases depth over breadth Quantitative Research Many cases breadth over depth KKV There should be no substantive difference between qualitative and quantitative research Both should follow the scientific method MSSD vs MDSD Based off of John Stuart Mill s Methods of Different and Similarity Most Similar Systems Design Mill s Method of Difference seeks to compare cases that are largely similar except for the dependent variable E g N Korea versus S Korea Find things that are different between two very similar countries Most Different Systems Design Mill s Method of Similarity Seeks to compare cases that are as different as possible except for the dependent variable E g The French revolution versus the Russian revolution Different systems time periods cultures etc but why are the revolutions themselves so similar Find things that are similar between different countries Theory A simplified representation of reality and a framework within which facts are not only selected but also interpreted organized and fit together so that they create a coherent whole Analysis Micro Individual Looks for an explanation of behavior within or at the level of the individual actor Macro Societal or system level Beyond the individual to broader social cultural or institutional circumstances to explain behavior Can look at community or cultural norms institutional arrangements e g gun laws penal codes or can be an analysis of historical experiences The THREE theories of Comp Poli Structuralism Human actions are largely determined by underlying sometimes invisible forces over which individuals acting alone or in groups have little or no control Examples of structures Caste rule of laws religion could be culture political parties level of education see class gender type of economy geography rates of urbanization Assumptions Structures are enduring but not permanent Structures contain a specific logic and dynamic Structures create particular relationships Weaknesses Does not incorporate aspects of individual decision making propensity for poorly defined variables Culturalism Culture is a shared learned and symbolic system of values beliefs ideas and attitudes that shape and influence our perceptions and behaviors Assumptions It must be constantly transmitted and reproduced Culture is intersubjective meaning it s not something we can point to or easily define Always define it if you use it as a variable Weaknesses Difficult to use as an independent variable can be both a cause and an effect subjective nature of culture means that it is malleable Can make you sound racist Rational Choice Born of the neo classical economic model About utility maximization Most human behavior can be explained as a product of rational action Example Rational student wants to attain A s not gain the Freshman 15 and make friends Different students will rank these things in different order You never choose to do something of a lower rank over a higher rank Assumptions Individuals are rational actors Individuals have hierarchical preferences and will seek to achieve these interests Weaknesses Inadequately sensitive to history political or cultural context rationalism is difficult to define No one lives in a vacuum so these things aren t always concrete Game Theory Strategic calculation any decision is one based on the calculation of costs versus benefits Strategic interaction Many if not all decisions are complicated by the actions of other actors

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NU POLS 1155 - Theories and Study of Comp Poli

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