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o Evolution change in the genetic makeup of a population over time Natural selection is one mechanism of evolution Week 1 Living things need and acquire energy o Every living thing must acquire energy to Build new structures Repair old structures Reproduce Living things evolve All living things share these characteristics o 1 Organized in a specific way o 2 Need and acquire energy o 3 Maintain internal constancy o 4 Reproduce grow develop o 5 Populations evolve Scientific Method o How do we study the natural world Make observations Make a question that relates Propose a hypothesis Make a prediction Design and conduct an experiment Analyze you results and draw conclusions Submit for application o Design a controlled experiment Sample size Variables Dependent response variable Standardized variables Independent manipulated variable Control o Collect Data o Interpret and Analyze Results o Draw Conclusions o Publish Results Peer review Publication Hypothesis vs Theory o Hypothesis tentative often narrow explanation regarding the natural Must be testable and falsifiable o Theory a well substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world world Unifying explanation Ideas about which we are most certain Organic Molecules o Organic molecules are compounds containing both carbon and hydrogen o Many are macromolecules which are usually Polymers chains created by linking subunits called monomers o Types Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic acids Carbohydrates o Simplest of the main organic molecules o Used as A source of energy Structural molecules o Consist of 2 main types look at 1 36 40 Simple sugars Complex carbs Lipids o All lipids are insoluble in water o Rich in energy good for long term energy storage Lots of C H bonds o Types Fats Sterols Long term energy storage and insulation Regulate growth and development Phospholipids Form the membranes that enclose cells o Triglycerides Degree of saturation is a measure of a fatty acid s hydrogen content Saturated fats contain all the H s possible Single bonds connect al of the carbons Solid at room temperature Unsaturated fats have greater than or 1 double bond between carbons Double bonds create kinks on the chain Liquid at room temperature Proteins o Very diverse more functions in the cell any other type of molecule o Structural Hair fingernails horns cartilage tendons o Protective o Regulatory Help fight invading microorganisms coagulate blood Control cell activity constitute some hormones Allow muscles to contract heart to pump sperm to swim o Contractile o Transport Carry molecules such as oxygen around your body o A protein is a chain of amino acids 20 amino acids Amino acid is a monomer and protein is a polymer Fold into unique 3 D structures inside a cell o The protein s overall shape is what determines its function Each protein shape is unique Explains incredible diversity o If the shape of the protein is modified enough to destroy its function it has denatured Nucleic Acids o Storage and transmission of genetic information o Two types in cells DNA deoxyribonucleic acid RNA ribonucleic acid o Nucleotides are the monomers of the nucleic acids o Each nucleotide consists of A 5 C sugar DNA RNA A phosphate group A nitrogenous base o DNA stores genetic information on How to make proteins Replicate itself o Double stranded helix Sugars and phosphates form the rails Nitrogenous bases form the rungs Cell are the most basic unit of life o Cell theory All organisms consist of one or more cells The smallest unit of life that can function on its own All cells arise from other cells o Unicellular organism made of one cell o Multicellular organism made of multiple cells o Everything organisms do reflects processes at the cellular level What do cells have in common o A cell membrane as a boundary o DNA as genetic material o RNA for protein synthesis o Ribosomes for protein manufacture o Proteins that do the cell s work o Cytoplasm All cells have cell membranes o Very thin o Separate cytoplasm from exterior environment o Regulates what gets in and what goes out Helps maintain homeostasis within the cell o The key to membrane function is in its structure Phospholipid bilayer Hydrophylic head water loving Hydrophobic water fearing o Phospholipids and proteins move laterally within the bilayer Cells are small by necessity o Exchange wastes and nutrients through membrane o Large SA V meets the cell s needs o Cells can be bigger if there is division of labor Organelles Prokaryotes simple structure and small o No nucleus o No membrane bound organelles o Not always single cellular o Distinct spaces for different tasks but not separated by barriers Eukaryotes complex structure and larger o Membrane bound nucleus o Membrane bound organelles o Not always multicellular o Each organelle is bound by a membrane that maintains an internal environment o Each organelle performs its own function Division of labor o 10 100 times bigger than prokaryotic cells o Membrane bound nucleus and organelles Specialized biochemical reactions occur here Nucleus genetic control of the cell o Top mangers are the genes Energy Conversion the sun to produce food Photosynthesis o Chloroplasts are organelles in plants and algae that capture energy from o Mitochondria are the sites of cellular respiration Harvest energy from food and convert it to ATP Powerhouse of the cell Endosymbiotic Theory o Over time genetic changes made the microorganisms incapable of living o This interdependency lead to modern compartmentalized eukaryotic on their own cells o Evidence Chloroplasts and mitochondria Are similar in size to prokaryotes Have their own circular DNA Divide by splitting in two Week 2 Energy flows through life on Earth through the making and breaking of chemical bonds o Chemical bonds hold potential energy Metabolism sum of all the reactions in cells o Build new molecules break down molecules One way flow of energy Living things constantly need energy o Producers Autotrophs o Consumers heterotrophs Energy used is replaced by energy from the environment Chemical reactions absorb or releases energy o Endergonic energy inward reactions Require energy in order to proceed Building complex molecules from simpler ones Cells can store energy in he products of these reactions o Exergonic energy outward reactions Release energy Break apart large complex molecules These reactions help cells access energy stored in chemical bonds ATP cell s energy currency of reactants o Temporary

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OSU BIOLOGY 1101 - Lecture notes

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