Human Resources 05 10 2012 Sustainable competitive advantage needs to be valuable unique and difficult to imitate Strategic Human resource management SHRM the pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals Knowledge skills abilities and other characteristics KSAOs of the people who make up an organization human capital Practices and policies an organization utilizes to manage people human resource management Employment discrimination Disparate treatment intentional discrimination o Ex Abercrombie hiring good looking people into their stores had to settle and started hiring all races Adverse impact unintentional discrimination Four fifths rule Sexual harassment Quid pro quo this for that Hostile work environment Job analysis process of getting detailed information about jobs o what where how why under what conditions purpose of job analysis generate two types of indormation o job description list of tasks duties and responsibilities o job specifications KSAOs legal significance Strategic importance of job analysis restructuring merger acquisition provides a systematic basis for comparing the content of jobs that existed in separate companies o helps to identify redundant jobs recruitment selection specifies the knowledge skills abilities and other characteristics KSAOs needed to perform certain jobs helps differentiate jobs with strategic impact training and career development helps to identify the tasks performed in a job to ensure that training will be effectively o helps match individuals skills with job requirements performance appraisal helps organization identify the behaviors and results that distinguish effective performance from ineffective job evaluation to put dollar values on jobs it is necessary to get information about different jobs to determine which deserve higher designed performance pay Recruiting Internal vs External Research shows no clear differences in employment experiences of employees recruited from different sources o Advantages of using multiple sources Increased diversity increased pre hire knowledge reduced turnover rates Employee referrals are the best Be sure to exhaust your internal search before recruiting form the outside Reference Verification Verify that information on applications and resumes is accurate Employers can hire outside investigators or personally contact prior employers o not an infringement of privacy can be difficult to find providing references sometimes less is more Some potential problems and pitfalls Negligent hiring employers have a legal duty to not hire unfit persons Defamation current or former employers can be sued by former employees if they provide false or misleading information to prospective new employees Selection interview Unstructured interview are not reliable or valid Lack of interviewer training leads to biased evaluations Interviewers make common errors o Overweight negative information Tips for interview success Content issue o Base interview on job analysis o Ask same questions to all interviewees o Avoid unlawful questions Process issue o Limit use of pre interview data o Use the same interviewer for all candidates o Review notes prior to rating interviewees o Rate each answer or use multiple scales Cognitive ability tests Some recommended business related tests Logic puzzles questions whose aim is to test the deductive reasoning skills of the person answering it Personality inventories assess unique blend of personal characteristics that define individuals pattern of interactions with the environment BIG FIVE personality dimensions o Openness to experience o Conscientiousness o Extraversion o Agreeableness o Neuroticism emotional stability Pepsi week long assessment and development test Integrity Tests Two approaches Clear purpose overt o Typical employee thief is tempted to steal rationalizes theft punishes thieves less attribute more theft to others General purpose covert personality oriented o Employee theft is just one element of larger syndrome of antisocial behavior Can also include vandalism drug abuse Individuals participate in a series of situations that simulate the real Behaviorally oriented process used for a variety of organization human resources purposes Candidates evaluated on multiple competencies across multiple Effective tools for predicting future overall job performance management potential performance in training and career Assessment centers world techniques advancement Biographical data Premise best predictor of future performance is past performance Information spans from past experiences to behaviors and activities in any aspects of life o Ex Google Lab Aptitude Test Best predictor Depends on definition of success Administration consistency of implementation and scoring total cost cost per hire Validity correlation between predictor score and job performance Legality potential for discrimination Applicant reactions extent to which applicants find predictor to Reliability consistency of test scores over time and across be fair and or job relevant alternative measurements Training methods Impart information and knowledge Develop analytics and problem solving skills Practice learn or change job behaviors Performance Management system a formal structured process used to measure evaluate and influence employees job related attitudes behaviors and performance results Performance measurement and feedback for individuals and teams Includes the rewards component of total compensation Performance appraisal evaluation of performance based on judgments and opinions of subordinates peers supervisors other managers and even employees themselves Bias performance ratings deserves Leniency tendency rater gives higher grades than person Severity tendency rater gives lower grades than person deserves Halo horn rater lets one good or bad area of a person s performance influence all of the ratings Can also occur if rater goes on personal opinion of the person Primacy and recency rater only relies on beginning or end of the rating period Behaviors what some says or does and what we observe about them Inferences assumptions or conclusions about behavior focus on behaviors Compensation total of all rewards provided employees in return for services Direct financial compensation pay received in the form of wages salaries bonuses and commissions Indirect financial compensation all financial rewards not included in direct Nonfinancial
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