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1 2 major cell types eukaryotes prokaryotes their differences 2 prokaryotes types Exam 2 Notes 9 11 13 Topic 3 Cellular Basis of Life their differences 2 endosymbiotic theory theory evidence for it Prokaryotic very simple cell structure Cells primitive small about 1mm simple not many things going on inside no organelles with membranes bacteria archaebacteria Archaebacteria Eukaryotic Daily Demo some of the molecules in the cell wall are eukaryotic plasmalemma has lipids fats that are like eukaryotic lipids fats ribosomes look like human ribosomes genes just like human in the sense that they work the same and are built the same very simple cell structure have no problem living in extremely hot water cold places dry places do great living in the Earth s crust team with archaebacteria basically just one type all multicultural organisms also found in unicellular organisms some fungi yeast in some algae fresh and marine and protists babies born vaginally are less likely to get asthma better immune system from the bacteria from the woman s vagina there are 10 bacterial cells on and in you for every one of your regular cells people get rid of 35 million cells every hour deepest hole ever drilled by the Russians 40 000 feet deep around 8 miles archaebacteria was down there living Antarctic Ice 2 miles deep under the ice there are lakes liquid water living organisms archaebacteria Russians the lakes were millions of years old Endosymbiotic Theory Inside two things living together and benefitting each other Bacteria invaded another cell Photosynthetic bacterium bacteria that makes a lot of energy these bacteria invaded that cell everyone got along well all three organisms became dependent of one another specialization turned into a eukaryotic cell Mitochondria were once bacteria Chloroplasts were once bacteria Evidence Same size Mitochon chlor are the same size as bacteria 1 mm Mitocon chlor two membranes came in with one and the cell covered them with another 9 13 13 Notes Topic 4 Chemical Building Blocks of Life Inside cell components reductionist approach inside membranes 1 2 Molecules why so diverse 3 differences and combos thereof 3 Different atoms why so diverse 4 Why biological atoms why magic 3 5 Why C for backbone of life molecules Daily challenge compare the plasmalemma of an archaebacterium with that of the inner membrane of a chloroplast more primitive Archebacterial fats are more like eurkaryotic cells outer membrane was added Inner membrane of chloroplast is similar to bacteria human insulin bacteria made it before insulin because they injected insulin from pig s pancreas now take the human gene and put it in bacteria Molecule is made up of various atoms what makes molecules different I Different atoms II Same types but different numbers III Same types of atoms and numbers but bonding angles are different Ex Glucose starch saw dust same but bonded differently pencil lead graphite and diamonds same just different bond angles Atoms is made up of protons usually neutrons nucleus and electrons different atoms because they have different numbers of protons neutrons elections why is life based on C H O A because those are the most abundant atoms in the universe are Hydrogen and Helium 9 16 13 Notes Topic 4 Chemical Building Blocks of Life 1 why biological atoms why magic 3 Why C backbone of life molecules 2 Biological reactions energetics not in biology why How to go Enzymes why good Importance of water life needs Mars 6 reasons why Importance of pH protons reactivity 3 4 There are no life forms on earth that are not made up primarily of C H and O Hydrogen and Helium are the most abundant atoms ever everywhere earth and other places O Al Si and Fe very easily bond with each other easily bond with the other 20 strong and stable most abundant on earth Carbon is the structural backbone of all biological molecules Carbon is structured in a way to where it can make many different kinds of bonds with itself with H and O and with many other atoms Silicon the atom similar to Carbon in that it can bond in many different ways not used much in biology Chemical Reactions Left side reactant right side products A B C F D E Everything has to do with energy Goes from high energy to low energy A and B are at a higher energy level than C F is at a higher energy level than D E Simple concept Energetically downhill Biological Reactions Very similar to chemical reactions They don t happen by themselves even though the energy demands they do Look at diagram in notebook Need more energy A and B should become C but they cannot unless they get more energy The bump in the reaction is called the energy of activation All living cells produce enzymes The enzyme brings the bump down and gets rid of the energy of activation so then A and B can easily form C Different special enzyme for every reaction Why is this so unique conservation of A and B the cell has control over the reactions can regulate the action Without the enzyme A and B would just become C If the cell wants it to occur it makes the enzyme if it does not want it to occur it does not make the enzyme The cell makes enzymes to control the reactions Enzymes are proteins made by the cell makes them only when it wants the If you lose the ability to produce enzymes you die reaction to occur Control and regulation of all these actions is very important Water Importance 1 H20 is part of many chemical reactions 2 Chemicals and enzymes must be hydrated in order to function water molecules must be stuck to the other chemicals 3 Membranes need to be hydrated 4 Water is the best solvent known for all liquids almost any molecule can dissolve in water 5 Water temperature is very difficult to change very stable difficult to heat up and cool down allows organisms to maintain their temperature 6 Water has an extremely high boiling point water has an extremely low freezing point water is liquid across most temperatures 2H2 02 hydrogen peroxide extremely high energy there should be no hydrogen peroxide on earth because of energetics has a very high energy of activation enzymes in hydrogen peroxide causes foam the foam is water and oxygen 9 18 13 Notes Topic 4 Chemical Building Blocks of Life 1 importance of pH protons reactivity ph water acids base pH and normal life life at extreme pHs All an enzyme does is reduce energy Hydrogen peroxide cannot go back because its energy was already reduced when it turned to foam cannot go back to higher energy Lots of mountains in

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