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I Religious Change a Reform Comes First i Synagogue service ii Language iii Music iv Nationalism v Apologetic Failure b Neo Orthodoxy i Not traditionalism the State sanctions the Jewish community 1 Orthodox breaks away from the reform not the other way around because they want to create a separate identity ii Samson Raphael Hirsch 1 Modernizer iii Break with community c Historical Positivism i Zechariah Frankel ii American Conservative Movement sociological but evolved 1 Change but continuity 2 Intellectualist Wissenschaft in Europe as a school movement 1 Reconstructionism a Mordechai Kaplan oldest orthodox rabbi taught at the conservative seminary but then had a revelation that Judasim is what people say it is argued that Judaism itself can change freely and that every congregation should create their own form Ideas were insanely popular in NY because it empowered people to say what they want 2 American Conservativism people could be like b Americans and find a place for themselves and still keep the same institutions 1 Built by and run by left wing parties and take much of their ideologies from communist thought so they saw religion as the opiate of the masses makes the poor shut up and accept their circumstances Ideological secularism and Romantic nostalgia 2 3 Revival of Haredi Judaism iii Israel II Jewish Nationalism a Stresses anti Semitism III Semitism justification that the idea that we know who the Jews are and that we are superior to them what was a scholarly idea gets taken over with a scientific and colonialist agenda that labels all the people in the middle East as Semities Racism is the belief that there is something genetic or IN THE BLOOD that is physical inherited about your culture a 19th century linguistic term Semitic i not necessarily against Jews Jews hadn t lived in the middle east for ages not automatically a rhetoric against Jews it was mostly to label to outside world in the Middle East b linked to ethnography description is generalized into categorization the writing of ethnic groups c predictable patterns of behavior d hierarchies of ethnicities e pro and anti f Jews benefit from the modernity IV Racial Argumentation a Linked to arguments for race defining nation i What other categories were available b Darwinism Social Darwinism c Determined nature of scientific racism V Jewish Popular Perceptions and Scholarly Approaches anti Semitism a b halakha it is a God given principle that gentiles hate Jews c this turns anti Semitism into a meta historical explanatory force instead of a historically bound pattern of meaning and action Jews are the major success story of the 20th century d Final Project Being a historian first hand Jerusalem newspapers controversial and important from a historical point of view

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UMD JWST 235 - Religious Change

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