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Hello MAS 160 folks Here is a compilation of what you all have submitted as questions you think would be useful to familiarize yourselves with for the purposes of your midterm in this class Please note that this is not a direct study guide in that it is not based on what the actual midterm looks like as we as your TAs do not have access to the actual exam Rather this skeleton of questions the hope is could be of use to you in ordering your notes remembering certain themes concepts terms etc that have been covered in this course so far Answers to these questions are not provided herein as it is your responsibility to find those either individually or with study groups Happy studying Your TAs How can we distinguish the Native American concepts of medicine and wellness How is each approached Is there a difference between Hozho and Hozho ji If so what is it In the wellness wheel sacred wisdom wheel what does the sacredness part refer to What is the name of the wheel What does the corn pollen in one hand and the arrowhead in the other signify What does gray matter in the brain have as opposed to what white matter of the brain has How is ethnobotany medical plants used in NA medicine and wellness How does Native American medicine address imbalance How does language influence one s ability to live in harmony consider Zepeda s and Begay s presentations What does the IHS stand for How was it established What roles does it play What are six characteristics that Native Americans share while perceiving the sacred How many Indian Reservations are there in the United States How many federally recognized tribes are there in the United States What do the four cardinal directions on professor Begay s diagram represent How many federally recognized tribes are there in Arizona Is there a difference between the neocortex the frontal cortex what are the roles they take on during spiritual religious events What are the core aspects of Vygotsky s theory of cultural acquisition How can we define the sacred universal energy What is Din What is the type of energy entering Dr Begay s diagram circle and what is the type of energy leaving the circle What do we need to know about wellness How can we apply it to the class and ways of life talked about in lectures According to Felicia Schanche Hodge what is the meaning of wellness What is Dr Begay s definition of sovereignty What is the difference between lower psychological processes and higher psychological processes The Naayee are creatures that represent Why were some of the Naayee allowed to live Which tribes are eligible for benefits from the IHS What are the three components of wellness What was the main concept of the Hozho reading What are factors that lead to wellness How do Western views and American Indian views differ and how can the two interconnect What are neurons and how do they communicate with each other What is the difference between wellness and medicine What are the ways in which a tribe can get federally recognized What is the zone of proximal development What part of the brain is associated with higher psychological processes What are Ethnobotany What is the name of the spineless cactus used in spiritual ceremonies that allows for a connection to the Holy Spirit What is the difference between the prefrontal cortex and the autonomic nervous system What are key parts of the brain and what are their physiological tendencies What is the definition of health and wellness according to Dine Hozho What part of the brain is associated with higher processing How does grey matter and white matter relate to wellness What can universal energy describe What are the three things that come from a tribe being federally recognized How does the mind affect the body Why is culture important What are the seven sacred directions and their colors Based off of professor Begay s lecture what role did Hozho have in overcoming the traumatic past in Native American History What are the main concepts in the reading The Sacred What is the difference between gray and white matter What are the two definitions of culture Does the practice of Hozho apply only to Native American religions Or could it be applied to others such as Christianity How does a sweat lodge ceremony work What is Vygotsky s definition of culture How can healing be controlled with the mind Peyote connects you to what Is the reservation land owned by the tribes What is the number of Native American tribes that are federally recognized within the 5 general regions What was the reservation land before What phrase did Lev Vygotsky coin and what does it mean What is the cultural historical theory and how did Vygotsky influence it What is the difference between Hozho and Hoxcho What three important parts need to line up in order to be a balanced individual What Vygotskian concept explains how learning occurs How does this relate to culture What is the Dine belief on philosophies What is myelin sheathing How does biology relate to culture What is the difference between the Genetic Law of Cultural Development and the Zone of Proximal Development What are some of the major issues that manifest on American Indian Reservations as a result of historical traumas and cultural loss In the Navajo way of life why is the goal of longevity important

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