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Fossils 1 Tangible remains or signs of ancient organisms 2 Reveals that life arose and in the time since arising life has changed dramatically a Forms have gone extinct because of sudden environmental changes b New forms have come into existence 3 Provide direct evidence that informs us about ancient life 4 Hard parts most commonly preserved 5 Soft parts rarely preserved 6 Cast mold 7 Per mineralization 8 Impression 9 Trace fossils foot prints 10 Quality of the fossil record is highly variable a Many probably never recorded i Rare species ii Animals without hard parts b Often skeletal material isn t preserved intact i Scavengers damage destroy ii Transport iii MM and melt c Much subsurface rock not accessible can t be studied Taxonomic Groups 1 Study of composition and relationship of groups 2 Domains a Archaea prokaryotes lack certain internal structures unicellular b Bacteria prokaryotes c Eukarya eukaryotes nucleus 4 groups i Protista mostly unicellular ii Fungi iii Plantae iv Animalia v Differentiated on nutrition 1 Producers protists plants 2 Consumers fungi animals 3 Kingdom broad a Phylum many types b Class c Order d Family e Genus f Species few or one organism 4 Demanding King Philip Came Over For Good Spaghetti Phylogeny 1 The evolutionary development and history of a species or higher taxonomic grouping of organisms 2 To be united within a higher taxonomic category a A group of species must resemble each other b Must also form a discrete portion of the Tree of Life really a bush 3 Clustering of species within phylogenies 4 Illustrates a Species each blue blade b Genera resembling each other c Family particular trial d Order larger grouping a How species arise from others b Extinctions c Differences d Temporal relationships Cladistics 1 Emphasizing the branching events that construct tree of life relationships or phylogenies a Identification of the shared ancestry 2 Clade cluster of species with a shared ancestry a Appear early in evolutionary history hagfish group traits Relationships 1 Primitive traits 2 Derived traits a Evolved later b Present only in some subgroups c Marks a branching event in evolution

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LSU GEOL 1003 - Fossils

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