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ch10 Student 1 Project success or failure often depends upon the contributions of all of the following except cid 10 cid 10 3 The difference between project management and project leadership is that project management A Customers B Suppliers C Contractors D Competitors E Top management 2 Project leadership is about coping with cid 10 A Formulating plans and objectives B Monitoring results against plans C Change D Taking corrective action when necessary E All of these are part of leadership cid 10 cid 10 includes cid 10 A Recognizing the need to alter direction B Aligning people to meet new directions C Monitoring results against plans D Motivating people to meet new objectives E All of these are leadership functions 4 Well defined projects that encounter no significant surprises require little cid 10 cid 10 5 Which of the following requires more management rather than leadership cid 10 cid 10 A Management B Leadership C Monitoring D Corrective action E All of these are only required to a minor extent A Taking corrective action B Changes in project scope C Technological stalemates D Breakdowns in coordination between people E All of these require the same level of management In conducting meetings an effective project manager will take the role of a cid 10 A Parliamentarian B Master of ceremonies C Conductor D Cattle herder E Teacher cid 10 7 Project managers often find themselves negotiating with all the following except cid 10 cid 10 6 A Vendors B Functional managers C Consultants D Competitors E All of these are correct 8 Groups such as human resources information systems purchasing agents and maintenance are typically 9 The closest relationships in a project network of relationships are with cid 10 cid 10 10 The second ring in the network of relationships for project managers includes all of the following 11 The outer ring in the network of relationships for project managers includes all of the following cid 10 classified as cid 10 A Project managers B Administrative support C Functional managers D Project sponsors E Customers A Other project managers B Project sponsors C Top management D Customers E Project team members cid 10 except cid 10 A Other project managers B Customers C Functional managers D Top management E Project sponsors except cid 10 cid 10 A Other organizations B Customers C Contractors D Government agencies E Administrative support 12 The old fashion view of managing projects emphasized which of the following cid 10 cid 10 13 The new perspective of project management emphasizes which of the following cid 10 cid 10 14 Networks are mutually beneficial alliances that are generally governed by the law of cid 10 cid 10 A Planning B Directing C Controlling D Both B and C are correct E A B and C are all correct A Financial control B Managing project stakeholders C Schedule cost tradeoffs D Both A and B are correct E A B and C are all correct A Supply demand B Brooks s law C Reciprocity D A squeaky wheel E Risk reward cid 10 part of related currencies cid 10 A Task B Position C Inspiration D Relationship E Personal 15 In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies vision excellence and ethical correctness are 16 In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies resources assistance cooperation and 17 In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies acceptance personal support and understanding information are part of related currencies cid 10 A Task B Position C Inspiration D Relationship E Personal cid 10 are part of related currencies cid 10 A Task B Position C Inspiration D Relationship E Personal cid 10 networks are part of related currencies cid 10 A Task B Position C Inspiration D Relationship E Personal cid 10 cid 10 related currencies cid 10 A Task B Position C Inspiration D Relationship E Personal A Overestimate B Underestimate C Precisely estimate D Either B or C are correct E None of these are correct cid 10 determine a project s success cid 10 A MBO B MBA C GIGO D MBWA E PMI 18 In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies advancement recognition visibility and 19 In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies learning ownership and gratitude are part of 20 In mapping dependencies for a project the project manager should cid 10 cid 10 21 Which of the following is used at Hewlett Packard for building relationships with key players that will 22 In the Snapshot from Practice Managing Expectations one of the key aspects to project success was stated to be the managing of stakeholder cid 10 A Relations B Expectations C Involvement D Influence E Input cid 10 23 In the Research Highlight Ancona and Caldwell identified key patterns of activity which contribute to creating a high performance team Which of the following is not one of those cid 10 A Negotiator B Ambassador C Task coordinator D Scouts E Guard cid 10 24 Which of the following is not one of the aspects of leading by example cid 10 cid 10 25 The traits of successful project managers include all of the following except cid 10 cid 10 26 Unlike project leadership project management is about coping with cid 10 cid 10 A Change B Aligning people to any new directions C Monitoring results against plans D Recognizing the need to alter plans E All of these are part of project management 27 In a survey of project managers approximately what percentage reported that they encountered ethical A Priorities B Ethics C Urgency D Cooperation E Power A Pessimist B Proactive C Skillful politician D Effective time management E Personal integrity cid 10 issues in their work cid 10 A 22 percent B 40 percent C 65 percent D 81 percent E 100 percent 28 The key to exercising influence is cid 10 cid 10 A To make few mistakes B To build trust C To build a network of top level people D To understand the political connections within the organization E To make friends with everyone 29 Which of the following is not one of the distinguishing traits of character cid 10 cid 10 A Openness B Consistency C Empathetic D Sense of purpose E Hard work cid 10 emotions of one s self and others cid 10 A Emotional stability B Coolness under pressure C Emotional intelligence D Empathy E Management sensitivity 30 Which of the following would be defined as the ability or skill to perceive assess and manage the 31 Management is about coping with complexity is about coping with change cid 10 cid 10 32 A popular metaphor for the role of a project manager is that of cid 10 cid 10 33 naturally compete with each other for

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