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How do art works function with respect to the human mind a They are most expensive objects in history b They serve the entertainment industry c They are maximal memory stores d They are minimal memory stores A crack on the vase represents what a Layers of time b Layers of space c Layers of indistinguishability d Layers of industry Leyton s First Fundamental Law of Memory Storage was a Memory is stored only in asymmetries b Layers of indistinguishability have more storage than layers of distinguishability c No asymmetry exists in distinguishability d No symmetry exists in indistinguishability Leyton s Second Fundamental Law of Memory Storage Says a Memory is erased by symmetries b Layers of distinguishability have less storage than layers of indistinguishability c No symmetry exists in distinguishability d No symmetry exists in indistinguishability What is tension a Increase in power b The progression from the present into the future c Memory storage d The portioning of the present The rotated parallelogram has 3 asymmetries and 2 symmetries therefore it has a 5 tensions b 3 tensions c 2 tensions d 1 tension Which of the following is true of Italian girl resting on her elbow a The title of the painting refers to the strong Italian influence in the painting b The title of the painting refers to the calm and restful nature of her posture c The title of the painting refers to a major curvature extrema the painting In Italian girl Resting on Her Elbow which one of the following is true a The painting is largely driven by horn like structures b The painting is largely organized into concentric circles c The painting is largely organized into parallel lines In Italian girl Resting on Her Elbow which one of the following is true a The movement down the arm leads into the background b The movement down the arm weakens the energy c The movement down the arm starts in the face De Krooning s Black Paintings of 1948 What is thickening a The layering of tension over a region b The layering of paint over a region c The layering of texture over a region In Raphael s Alba Madonna the leg of the Madonna and the leg of the Child a Establish a single focus at the center of the painting b Create curvature extrema that produce a strong downward focus in the painting c Send diverging movements into the sky d Establish a strong horizontal line Which of the following is shown by Henry Moore s Three Vertebrae a The 3 curvature rules do not apply to a 3D sculpture b The 3 curvature rules do apply to a 3D sculpture c The composition is stretched vertically to give a sense of stability d The composition is stretched vertically to give a sense of instability The position of the axis leading to an extremum a Depends only on which side of the curve is solid vs empty b Depends on both the shape of the curve and which side is solid vs empty c Depends only on the shape of the curve Which of the following is true of the 6 historical characteristics of an extremum a The are the 6 emotional characteristics of an extremum b They are the 6 ways of reducing an extremum c They are the 6 ways of increasing an extremum The process creating a penetrative extremum a Intrudes on the recipient space b Does not intrude on the recipient space c Sometimes intrudes on the recipient space The process of creating a compressive extremum a Intrudes on the recipient space b Does not intrude on the recipient space c Sometimes intrudes on the recipient space The process of creating a penetrative extremum a Facilitates the arching b Opposes the arching c Twists the arching a Facilitates the arching b Opposes the arching c Twists the arching The process creating a comprehensive extremum On the wavy line down the right side of the jug in Picasso s still life do the extrema oscillate between a m and M b m and m c m and M d M and M An ellipse has a Four penetrative extrema b Four comprehensive extrema c Three comprehensive extrema and three penetrative extrema d Two comprehensive extrema and two penetrative extrema A bay has which extrema a M and m b M and m c m and m d M and m a Compressive b Penetrative c Facilitative d Inward The process at the center of the bay has which one of the following characteristics Does the unification of positive and negative space depend on a Our daily experience of objects in the real world b Our daily experience of empty space in the real world c The Duality Operator In Picasso s Woman Ironing the shoulder and armpit are respectively a A compressive and penetrative extremum b A compressive and compressive extremum c A penetrative and compressive extremum d A penetrative and penetrative extremum The Evolution Law m 0 m 0 has which effect on a historical characteristic of the extremum The Evolution Law M M m M has which effect on a bifurcated characteristic of the central extremum a Compressive penetrative b Penetrative compressive c Tightening broadening d Facilitative oppositional a Compressive penetrative b Indentation protrusion c Tightening broadening d Oppositional facilitative Bifurcation of a m extremum can be summarized as a Breaking through of an indentation b Breaking through of a protrusion c Shield formation d Bay formation In Holbein s Anne of Cleves what do the hands represent a Holding onto the b Breaking through of her c Hurdling over justice d Connection to other people In Holbein s Anne of Cleves which of the following is a major closed shape a A double bay b A square c A triangle d A cone In Gauguin s Vision after the Sermon the tops of the women s heads a Have the same process structure in the top of Anne of Cleves head b Were created by two operations more than the top of Anne of Cleves head c Were created by two operations less than the top of Anne of Cleves head d Share no operations with the top of Anne of Cleves head In Memling s Portrait of a Man one of the main themes around the face is a Breaking through of a protrusion b Squashing continues till it indents c Softening by undulation What is the relation between tension and emotional expression a Tension goes in the forward time direction expression goes in the backward b Tension goes in the backward time direction expression goes in the time direction forward time direction c Tension and expression both go in the forward time direction

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