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Phylum Annelida Masters of Coeloms and Segments General Zoology BIO 120 Lecture NOVA Loudoun Campus Fall 2013 BIO 120 Objectives 10 Chapter 10 Objectives Please respond to the following questions in preparation for the lecture evaluation on this material 1 To which phylum do annelids belong What does annelid mean How many species of annelids are there each 2 What are the three major classes of Annelida and what sorts of organisms are included in 3 What are four general characteristics of annelids NOTE students should refer to the information box on p 371 Where do annelids live What type of symmetry do they possess How many germ or tissue layers do they possess What type of gut do they possess Do they possess a coelom Are annelids protostomes or deuterostomes 4 What sort of respiratory systems do they possess What sort of circulatory system do they possess 5 What are two general characteristics of polychaetes Where do they live and how many species are there What is the difference between sedentary and errant forms What are the prostomium peristomium and pygidium What are the functions of parapodia setae and cirri How do polychaetes feed NOTE students should be able to illustrate a generalized polychaete as in Figure 10 2 and label the mouth anus cirri parapodia and setae 6 What are two general characteristics of oligochaetes Where do they live and how many species are there Do they have few or many setae Do they possess parapodia Are they monoecious or dioecious What is the function of the clitellum How do they feed NOTE students should be able to illustrate a generalized oligochaete as in Figure 10 5 and label the mouth anus clitellum and setae 7 What are two general characteristics of leeches Do they possess setae and parapodia How many segments do they possess Are they monoecious or dioecious Do they possess a clitellum What is the function of the anterior and posterior suckers How do they feed NOTE students should be able to illustrate a generalized leech as in Figure 10 7 and label the mouth anus anterior sucker and posterior sucker Phylum Annelida Masters of Coeloms and Segments BIO 120 Objectives 10 1 Annelids a Phylum annelida b Annelid ringed or segmented c 15 000 species 2 Classes of Annelids a Polychaeta b Oligochaeta c Hirudinea 3 Characteristics of Annelids a Segmented b True coelom except leeches c Complete digestive system d e Bilaterally symmetrical f Have cuticle g Closed circulatory system h Respiration through epidermis with gills or parapodia i Nervous system with rudimentary brain j Dioecious 4 Annelid Body Systems Inhabit marine freshwater and terrestrial habitats a Closed circulatory system b Respiration through skin gills or parapodia 5 Polychaeta Phylum Annelida Masters of Coeloms and Segments BIO 120 Objectives 10 a Marine b 9 000 species c Sedentary or errant d Distinct head e Parapodia movement f Setae sensory protection g Cirri sensory tentacles h Dioecious i Filter feeder j Prostomium head k Peristomium protrusive mouth attachment to head l Filter feeders and predators 6 Oligochaeta a Earthworm b Terrestrial c 3 000 species d Monoecious e Few setae f Lack parapodia g Lack cirri h Detritivore i Clitellum i Produce mucous sac for reproduction Phylum Annelida Masters of Coeloms and Segments 7 Leeches BIO 120 Objectives 10 a Characteristics i Lack coelom setae and parapodia ii Oral and posterior suckers iii Parasitic lifestyle iv 34 segments v Release hirudin anticoagulant vi Most complex of protostomes vii Dioecious with clitellum viii Blood feeders b Anterior and posterior suckers for host attachment and feeding

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NOVA BIO 120 - Phylum Annelida: Masters of Coeloms and Segments

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