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Running head SUICIDE SELF HELP SUPPORT SYSTEM 1 Suicide Self Help Support System BSHS 471 SUICIDE SELF HELP SUPPORT SYSTEM 2 Suicide Self Help Support System Self help Support Systems are voluntary associations for people with similar importance When society thinks of Self help Support Systems the first one that comes to mind is alcohol anonymous AA is a one of the most popular self help support systems in communities but several others are highly recommended and needed in our society There are different populations served and many functions of the group to help each individual Suicide groups work in collaboration with other agencies The groups are generally conducted by peers and professionals in the field Support systems are popular and effective in providing support and guidance for the individuals interested The Philosophy of the Self Help Support System There are several populations supported with self help groups such as mothers against drunk drivers health problems and diseases and suicide groups just to name a few The philosophy of the suicide self help support system was created for individuals whom share the same interest to deal with the situation Because of differences that made life difficult for individuals such as economy changes family matters or health issues that steams the thoughts of suicide There are times when people reach for help from others battling with thoughts of suicide self help support systems assist people who want to help themselves Servicing Population Suicide may be prevented if family and friends step in before it is too late There are organizations across the nation that may offer advice tips counseling and more to those clients in need as well as his or her family and friends Suicide Awareness Voice of Education SAVE is one of the nation s leading suicide prevention and educational organizations According to Suicide Awareness Voice of Education 2012 Research has consistently shown a strong link between suicide and depression with 90 of the people who die by suicide having an existing SUICIDE SELF HELP SUPPORT SYSTEM 3 mental illness or substance abuse problem at the time of their death para 1 With depression so closely linked to suicide the servicing population that may benefit the most from suicide education and counseling would be those clients with depression The Functions of the Self Help Support System Self help groups are designed to help people who may be directly and personally affected by the same issues or conditions as others Self help support groups can be one of the most powerful and constructive way that people can help each other and themselves Suicide is an ongoing problem in society and with prevention programs in place people can find help Suicide is known as the third leading cause of death for people from ages 14 to 25 O Connor n d Teen suicide is something that should not be taken lightly and parents should find support groups and other recourses to help children in need A support group for teens and suicide focus on discussing suicide and listening to other teens that have the same feeling With a self help support group teens can find a solution that will benefit him or her in a positive manner How the System Interfaces with Other Programs or Agencies The way the system interfaces with other programs or agencies is the focus of helping others With self help support groups it brings participants together to share his or her issues and also provides understanding from others and how to find a solution in a positive manner When trying to find a solution to a problem people look for a way to cope with his or her problem from others that have experienced similar problems Some examples of other support groups found would be for alcoholism drug abuse and co dependency Support groups are offered at different recourses like counseling centers churches schools and community centers The use of support groups are designed to offer a place where people of common problems can find help from those who have experienced the same problems O Connor n d SUICIDE SELF HELP SUPPORT SYSTEM 4 Suicide is preventable with the help of human service workers some suicides may be prevented Suicide is blind it does not know ethnicity income or sexual orientation so if a client needs help in dealing with or understand what is happening to him or her human service workers are available to help Identifying the problem is the first step in helping a client If a human service worker cannot help the client he or she should refer the client to someone who can Suicide Prevention Resource Center 2012 The support system must look at these five roles to evaluate services needed improve provision of support to the bereaved identify and understand the causes of suicide identify and improve the response to clusters and extended suicide such as filicide suicide and familicide better define the incidence and pattern of suicide and reliably identify individuals who are in need of medical treatment because of deliberate self harm or subsequently die by suicide Preparations to develop the Suicide Support reach out to programs such as Department of Health and Children Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform the Central Statistics Office CSO Positive and Negative Outcomes The positive of self help groups begins first with timing Timing is everything when someone is in the process of wanting to commit suicide acquiring the opportunity at hand to talk to the individual while seeking help for him or her is the first step Another positive outlook on self help services are Turn to trusted friends and family members Share what you re going through with the people you love and trust Ask for the help and support you need You may have SUICIDE SELF HELP SUPPORT SYSTEM 5 retreated from your most treasured relationships but they can get you through this tough time Try to keep up with social activities even if you don t feel like it When you re depressed it feels more comfortable to retreat into your shell But being around other people will make you feel less depressed Join a support group for depression Being with others who are dealing with depression can go a long way in reducing your sense of isolation You can also encourage each other give and receive advice on how to cope and share your experiences Helpguide org On the flipside there are negative of the self help support services is the person he or she has to minimize the negative thinking that causes him or her to want

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UOPX BSHS 471 - Suicide Self-Help Support System

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