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Why is primary prevention preferable to secondary prevention The primary prevention that is preferable reason is to protect individuals in order to avoid problems prior to signs or symptoms of problems This includes those activities programs and practices that operate on a fundamentally non personal basis and alter the set of opportunities risks and expectations surrounding individuals With secondary prevention it helps to identify persons in the early stages of problem behaviors and attempts to avert the ensuing negative consequences by inducing them to cease their problem behavior through counseling or treatment It is often referred to as early intervention Early prevention can be a process for recognizing warning signs that individuals are at risk for any problem problems and taking early action against factors that put them at risk Another can help individuals get better more quickly and prevent problems from becoming worse There are some prevention approaches 1 Universal Addresses the entire population with messages and programs aimed at preventing or delaying problem behaviors 2 Targeted Selecting subsets of the total population that are assessed as at risk for problem behaviors by virtue of their membership to a particular population segment 3 Indicated Identify individuals who are exhibiting early signs of problem behaviors and target them with special programs to prevent further onset of difficulties An alternative paradigm more congenial to prevention research and practice Kaplan 2000 Response 2 Primary prevention is to protect an individual from any of the things that he or she could get where as secondary prevention is when the person has already been diagnose with some thing Primary prevention is preferable because it allows the worker to be able to prevent anything happening to the client and keep them safe of their well being as oppose to ignoring the many signs that the person may have been showing prior to the diagnose The second step would be the hardest part given that it could have been prevented if the primary prevention was taken serious

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UOPX BSHS 471 - Assignment

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