04 09 2012 Female Anatomy Female Anatomy and Physiology External Genitalia Vulva o Labia o Clitoris o Vaginal Opening o Urethra Opening o Hymen o Vestibular bulbs Internal Genitalia o Vagina o Cervix o Uterus o Fallopian Tubes o Ovaries How Big is it Size of ovary o Almond Width of the opening of cervix o Straw Range of length of vagina post it note to postcard Size of uterus o About a pear or your fist without a baby in it Female Anatomy and Physiology External Sex Organs o Labia Majora vagina o Labia Minora Large folds that run downwards on the outside of the Hairless lips that sit inside the labia majora Surround the urethral and vaginal opening When sexually aroused engorge with blood Become swollen and darker Huge variation in size shape symmetry and color Also very sensitive to touch o Clitois pleasure Only sex organ whose only known function is to create Clitoral hood covers the exposed part of the shaft and most of the glans Very sensitive to touch o Urethral Opening Connected to the bladder via the urethra Located above vaginal opening and below the clitoris Urinary tract infections prone to bacterial infections due to proximity to vagina and anus o Vaginal Opening Hymen fold of tissue that surrounds or partially covers Perineum skin and underlying tissues between vaginal the vaginal opening Hymen vary widely opening and anus The Hymen and Virginity In many cultures intact hymen is considered evidence of virginity May ne incomplete in some girl may tear during exercise during sexual exploration during insertion of a tampon Often remain intact even after first instance of intercourse It is not possible to confirm that a women is a virgin by examining her hymen o Underlying Structures of vaginal opening Vestibular bulbs erectile tissue extending down sides Engorge with blood during sexual arousal swelling the vulva and lengthening the vagina Swelling contributes to physiological sexual pleasure for both partners Internal Sex Organs o Vagina Typically 3 5 inches deep at rest expands in length and width during sex and childbirth Lubrication forms on its surface during sexual arousal as the tissue of vaginal wall becomes engorged with blood Few nerve endings internal 2 3 insensitive to touch Sensitive to pressure but not touch Self cleaning no need to douche or use deodorants Discharge Healthy at pH of 4 5 acidic eyes and vagina are only two self cleaning organs o G Spot Named after Dr Ernest Grafenberg Soft mass of tissues 2 5 5cm from vaginal entrance Controversial Female ejaculation is possible Intense sensation vaginal orgasm o Female Ejaculation Intense stimulation of the G spot typically resulting in the expulsion of female See blackboard o Cervix o Uterus Lower end of the uterus Opening about the size of a straw Where the fertilized ovum implants Endometrium richly supplied by blood vessels and glands Formation of lining during menstrual cycle sheds if no fertilized ovum present menstrual bleeding Passageway for the ova from the ovaries to the uterus o Fallopian Tubes o Ovaries Produce ova egg Produce hormones Menstruation 04 09 2012 After today you should be able to Identify the 4 phases and key components of each phase of the menstrual cycle Explain the role of LH FSH estrogen and progesterone Identify menstruation supplies and their function Critically think about perceptions of menstruation Identify and define 4 menstrual disorders Follicle stimulating hormone FSH causes 10 20 follicles to develop Estrogen is released that causes the lining of the uterus to becomes One follicle develops into a mature egg and moves towards the Follicular Phase in the ovary thick surface of the ovary Ovulation The rise of estrogen during the follicular phase leads to the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone GnRH which in turn increases the pituitary gland s production of luteinizing hormone The rise in LH triggers ovulation where the follicle and ovary open to LH and FSH release the egg Following ovulation the egg is swept into the fallopian tube and moves towards the uterus Luteal Phase During this phase the remnants of the follicle that released the egg and releases large amounts of progesterone and estrogen o Contribute to the further thickening and maintenance of the lining of the uterus If fertilization does not occur the egg breaks down and progesterone levels decline leading to the disintegration of the lining During this phase women may experience physical and emotional changes including tender or lumpy breasts fluid retentions bloating mood swings Menstruation Menstruation occurs when the broken down lining of the uterus flows out through the vagina Generally lasts from 3 to 7 days Length can also differ from one cycle to the next Menstrual fluid blood endometrial cells cervical mucus and vaginal secretions o 6 8 ounces o Range of color o Heavy o lighters throughout menstruation Tampons Positives o Can go swimming exercise ect o Can be more discrete than pads o Different sizes Negatives o Have to be comfortable touching genitals o Virginity myth Pads Positives o Many different sizes o Don t need to touch genitals Negatives o Can be expensive o May not be discrete o Have to be comfortable and consistent in rinsing and cleaning Reusable Cups Positives o Reusable o Environmentally friendly o Save money Negatives Menstrual Disorders Dysmenorrhea o Painful menstrual flow o Book talks about PMS Pre menstrual syndrome o Linked to changing hormones o Could happen during Luteal phase PMDD Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder o Severe PMS o Medication or therapy can treat Amenorrhea o Lack of menstruation Gynecological Conditions 04 09 2012 Conditions Urinary tract infection Endometriosis Ovarian Cysts Ovarian Cancer Uterine Cancer Cervical Cancer Urinary Tract Infection o Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Causes Bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and begin to multiply in the bladder Symptoms strong persistent urge to urinate burning sensation when urinating passing frequent small amounts of urine urine that appears cloudy or different color Treatment short course of antibiotics cranberry juice Consequences if treated quickly and properly usually none if not treated can lead to kidney infection Tissue that looks and acts like endometrial tissue grows outside the Endometriosis uterine lining Causes unknown may be genetic due to hormones Symptoms pain during menstruation abdominal upset or abnormal vaginal bleeding may be asymptomatic Consequences pain can interfere
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