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REVIEW PROBLEMS EXAM 1 CHAPTER E The following are review exercises for Exam I These exercises are provided for you to practice or test yourself for readiness for the exam These exercises represent many of the types of problems you would be expected to solve on the exam but are not meant to represent all possible types of problems that could appear on the exam 1 List the seven SI base quantities units and symbols 2 Give the correct SI derived units of the following quantities Volume 3 Complete the following conversion Density Speed Acceleration Force Pressure Energy a 1 22 x 10 9 km m b 6 523 x 10 4 nm Mm c 2 5x 10 9 nm3 mm3 d 30 5 cm s km h e 5 52 g cm3 g mm3 Ans a 1 22 b 6 523 x 10 19 c 2 5 x 10 27 d 1 10 x 106 e 5 52 x 103 4 Perform the following calculations and report each answer with the correct number of significant figures and units a 3 46 m 3 4 m b 2 457 m x 1 2 m x 2 45 m c 3 605 cm x 24 10 cm 2 0 cm d e 12 64 cm 48 mm 0 246 m answer in m f g 167 26 cid 14 g 83 3cm 100 5 cid 32 g 871 9 3 3 m44 8m1 16 cid 16 cid 32 Ans a 0 1 m b 7 2 m3 c 79 7 cm2 d 21 4g cm3 e 0 324 m f 1 3 g m3 5 Diamond has a density of 3 513 g cm3 The mass of diamonds is often measured in carats where 1 carat 200 mg What is the volume in cm3 of a 2 5 carat diamond a What is the density of diamond in kg m3 Ans 3 513x103 kg m3 b What is the volume in cm3 of a 2 5 carat diamond Ans 0 14 cm3 1 gal 3 785 L 1 mL 1 cm3 a How many kg of mercury will occupy 2 50 gal bottle Ans 128 kg 6 The density of mercury is 13 5 g mL Answer the questions below and express your answer to the correct number of significant figure b What is the density of mercury in SI based units Ans 1 35 x 104 kg m3 c What is the density of mercury in lb ft3 1lb 454 g 1 in 2 54 cm 1 ft 12 in Ans 842 lb ft3 7 The density of gold is 19 3 g cm3 A 6 4 mg piece of gold is hammered into a square that is 8 6 10 6 cm thick a Calculate the thickness of the gold in m Ans 8 6 x 10 2 m 8 An empty 3 00 L bottle weighs 1 70 kg Filled with a homemade wine the bottle weighs 4 06 kg The wine contains 11 0 alcohol b What is the length of a side of the square in cm Ans 6 2 cm a Calculate the density of the wine in g mL Ans 0 787 g mL by mass b How many ounces of ethyl alcohol are present in 275 ml of this wine 1 oz 28 35 g Ans 0 840 oz 9 The mass of an empty flask is 210 538 g and when filled with a liquid d 0 8540 g cm3 is 305 497 g What will the mass of the flask be when filled with a liquid of density 0 9120 g cm3 Ans 311 9 g 10 The density of a liquid alcohol is 0 79 g cm3 A tank measuring 3 2 m x 0 0020 km x 4 1 mm is filled with the alcohol What is the mass of the contents in kg Ans 21 kg 11 A 14 karat gold ring contains 58 3 gold and weighs 15 0 g If gold sells for 1230 ounce what is the value of the gold in the ring 1 oz 28 35 g Ans 379 12 Manganese makes up 1 3 x 10 4 percent by mass of the elements found in a normal healthy body How many grams of manganese would be found in the body of person weighing 183 lbs 1 0 kg 2 2 lb Ans 0 11 g 13 If 5 00 lbs of mercury cost 175 and mercury has a density of 13 6 g cm3 what is the cost of 2 00 L of mercury 1 lb 454 g Ans 2 10 x 103 14 If a raindrop weighs 65 mg on average and 5 1 x 105 raindrops fall on a lawn every minute What mass in kg of rain falls on a lawn in 2 5 h Ans 5 0 x 103 kg 15 A concentrated sulfuric acid solution has a density of 1 84 g cm3 and contains is 95 7 H2SO4 by mass Note density of a solution means mass of solution divided by volume of solution a How many grams of pure H2SO4 are contained in 1 00 gallon of this solution 1 gallon 3 785 L Ans 6 66 x 103 b How many mm3 of this solution contain 100 0 mg of pure H2SO4 Ans 56 8 mm3 16 A gold alloy has a density of 12 4 g cm3 and contains 75 0 gold by mass Calculate the volume cm3 of this alloy that can be made from 255 g of pure gold Ans 27 4 cm3 17 Whole milk contains 8 0 butterfat by mass If 5 0 g butterfat supplies 15 Calories how many calories are contained in 1 45 gallons of whole milk density of milk 0 8 g ml 1 gallon 3 785 L Ans 1 1 x 103 Cal

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