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How to create a footer with social icons W3School Web How to Create Footer With Social Media Icons Using Only HTML CSS CodeWithTanmay Bing video Create Footer with Social Media Icons Links in HTML CSS in Hindi YouTube How to add Social Link in HTML Create Footer with Social Media Links Add Link in Blogger YouTube How to create a bakery management system in python Link is this How to Create an Advanced Restaurant Management Systems in Python Full Tutorial YouTube This is code in python Copy this code in paste in ppython and execute if u don t get the result see the link youtube and try to execute Import random Import datetime Import tkinter messagebox from tkinter import root Tk root geometry 1350x750 0 0 root title Bakery management system root configure background light purple Tops Frame root bg light purple bd 20 pady 5 relief RIDGE Tops pack side TOP lblTitle Label1 Tops font arial 60 bold text RMS fg cornsil justify CENTER lblTitle grid row 0 column 0 MenuFrame Frame root bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE MenuFrame pack side LEFT ReceiptCal F Frame root bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE ReceiptCal pack side RIGHT Buttons F Frame ReceiptCal F bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE Buttons F pack side BOTOM Cal F Frame ReceiptCal F bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE Cal F pack side TOP ReceiptCal F Frame ReceiptCal F bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE ReceiptCal pack side BOTOM MenuFrame Frame root bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE MenuFrame pack side LEFT Drinks F Frame MenuFrame bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE MenuFrame pack side LEFT Cost F Frame root bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE Cost F pack side TOP Drinks F Frame ReceiptCal F bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE Drinks F pack side BOTTOM cake F Frame ReceiptCal F bg cadet Blue bd 10 relief RIDGE cake F pack side TOP var1 IntVar var2 IntVar var3 IntVar var4 IntVar var5 IntVar var6 IntVar var7 IntVar var8 IntVar var9 IntVar var10 IntVar var11 IntVar var12 IntVar var13 IntVar var14 IntVar var15 IntVar var16 IntVar DateofOrder StringVar Receipt Ref StringVar PaidTax StringVar subTotal StringVar TotalCost StringVar costofcakes StringVar costofdrinks StringVar servicecharges StringVar text input StringVar operator E Maaza StringVar E Thumps up StringVar E Coco cola StringVar E Mirinda StringVar E Sprite StringVar E Milk shake StringVar E Chocolate shake StringVar E Orange juice StringVar E Maaza set 0 E Thumps up set 0 E Coco cola set 0 E Mirinda set 0 E Sprite set 0 E Milk shake set 0 E Chocolate shake set 0 E Orange juice set 0 Def Reset Paidtax set Subtotal set Totalcost set Costofcakes set Costofdrinks set Servicecharge set Txtreceipt delete 1 0 END E Maaza set 0 E Thumps up set 0 E Coco cola set 0 E Mirinda set 0 E Sprite set 0 E Milk shake set 0 E Chocolate shake set 0 E Orange juice set 0 Maaza checkbuton Drinks F text Maaza variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder blue grid row 0 sticky w Thumps up checkbuton Drinks F text Thumps up variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder ble grid row 0 sticky w Coco cola checkbutton Drinks F text Coco cola variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder ble grid row 0 sticky w Mirinda checkbutton Drinks F text Mirinda variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder ble grid row 0 sticky w Sprite checkbutton Drinks F text Sprite variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder ble grid row 0 sticky w Milk shake checkbuton Drinks F text Milk shake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder ble grid row 0 sticky w Chocolate shake checkbuton Drinks F text Chocolate shake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder ble grid row 0 sticky w Orange juice checkbuton Drinks F text Orange juice variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder ble grid row 0 sticky w schoolCake checkbuton cake F text schoolCake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder blue grid row 0 sticky w chocolate cake checkbuton cake F text chocolate cake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder blue grid row 0 sticky w cupcake checkbuton cake F text cupcake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder blue grid row 0 sticky w spongycake checkbuton cake F text spongycake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder blue grid row 0 sticky w breadcake checkbuton cake F text breadcake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder blue grid row 0 sticky w Lattocake checkbuton cake F text Lattocake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder blue grid row 0 sticky w pancake checkbuton cake F text pancake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder blue grid row 0 sticky w gemcake checkbuton cake F text gemcake variable var1 onvalue 1 ofvalue 0 font aerial 18 bold Bg powder blue grid row 0 sticky w txtschoolCake Entry cake F font aerial 16 bold bd 8 width 6 justify left state DISABLED txtschoolCake grid row 5 column 1 txtchocolate cake Entry cake F font aerial 16 bold bd 8 width 6 justify left state DISABLED txtschoolCake grid row 5 column 1 txtcupcake txtchocolate cake Entry cake F font aerial 16 bold bd 8 width 6 justify left state DISABLED txtcupcake grid row 5 column 1 txt spongycake Entry cake F font aerial 16 bold bd 8 width 6 justify left state DISABLED txt spongycake grid row 5 column 1 txtbreadcake Entry cake F font aerial 16 bold bd 8 width 6 justify left state DISABLED txtschoolCake grid row 5 column 1 txtLattocake Entry cake F font aerial 16 bold bd 8 width 6 justify left state DISABLED txtschoolCake grid row 5 column 1 txtpancake Entry cake F font aerial 16 bold bd 8 width 6 justify left state DISABLED txtschoolCake grid row 5 column 1 txtgemcake Entry cake F font aerial 16 bold bd 8 width 6 justify left state DISABLED txtschoolCake grid row 5 column 1 lblcostofdrinks Label cost F font aerial 14 bold text cost of drinks t bg powder blue fg black lblcostofdrinks grid row 0 column 0 sticky W txtcostofdrinks Entry cost F font aerial 14 bold bd 7 bg white insertwidth 2 justify RIGHT txtcostofdrinks grid row 0 column 1 lblcostofcakes Label cost F font aerial 14 bold text cost of cakes bg powder blue fg black lblcostofcakes grid row 1 column 0 sticky W txtcostofcakes Entry cost F font aerial 14 bold bd 7 bg white insertwidth 2 justify RIGHT txtcostofcakes grid row 1 column 1 lblservicecharge Label cost F font aerial 14 bold text service charge bg

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SBU CSE 332 - How to create a bakery management system in python

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