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Mana 2302 Review 2 Chapters 7 11 12 2021 Chapter 7 True False 1 Persuasion is the process of motivating people to do or believe something despite their initial resistance 2 When possible incorporate the central selling theme into your opening and avoid irrelevant obvious or overused statements 3 Determining whether a reader might be resistant to your message and why helps you prepare a more persuasive message 4 Sales letters are considered a form of persuasive writing 5 By stressing the YOU attitude writers show that the focus is on the reader Chapter 11 True False 6 For direct plan presentations you should make sure your main point is right up front 7 Your opening should lead into the body of your presentation by previewing your content 8 An effective closing for a business presentation should summarize the main points and possible recommendations 9 When practicing the presentation use appropriate language voice qualities gestures and good posture 10 The difference between advertising and persuasion is that persuasion is more personalized 11 Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your presentation 12 Reading your speech is not recommended because you must keep your eyes on the paper rather than making eye contact with your audience 13 You should define the scope of the topic during the opening so the audience does not ask unnecessary questions 14 Presentations filled with an abundance of facts and figures does not help the audience absorb your points 15 The first 90 seconds of a presentation are critical because the audience is looking for clues about you and your topic in your posture gestures and voice qualities Chapter 12 True False 16 Your r sum should summarize your work history and qualifications for a job 17 The best r sum is tailored to show how your education and work experience have prepared you for a specific job 18 Recruiters typically spend about one minute looking at each r sum during the initial screening of applications 19 Often applicants are rejected due to poorly written r sum s 20 You should not include personal information such as marital status or ethnicity on your r sum 21 A chronological organizational pattern for a r sum is appropriate when most of your work experience is related to your job objective 22 You should not use optimistic verbs such as attempted hoped and tried when writing a r sum 23 Use the direct organizational plan when writing a solicited cover letter 24 In closing your cover letter always ask for an interview 25 If questioned about your salary requirements during an interview you should state a broad range based on the position responsibilities and overall compensation package 26 When evaluating your performance after a job interview think of more effective responses to questions that you answered unsatisfactorily 27 It is never acceptable to exaggerate on your r sum Multiple Choice Copyright Cengage Learning Powered by Cognero Page 1 Chapter 7 29 When writing a persuasive message you must 30 When the reader will not directly benefit from granting the favor you request your persuasive message should 31 If price is your central selling theme you should 32 The direct organizational pattern is defined as 33 In the AIDA plan for sales letters AIDA stands for 34 Provide examples of motivating the reader to take action 35 When a customer s expectations are not met you will be more successful rebuilding the long term relationship if you Chapter 11 36 What determines the degree of formality for a presentation 37 Which of the following are typical purpose of most business presentations 38 Identify a psychological need that you should analyze when learning about the audience for an oral presentation would be identifying their 39 Define a cause effect solution in a presentation What kind of presentation that would address different alternatives based on a set standards 40 When you know that a proposal you are presenting has several negative aspects you need to 41 Which of the following are correct guideline for using humor in presentations 42 One reason not to use visual aids in your presentation is that they 43 What guideline should you follow when preparing handouts for an audience 44 While rehearsing your presentation practice 45 Because people have different speaking styles group members should decide beforehand 46 For direct plan presentations you must 47 Online presentations may be challenging in what ways 48 What are the ways to achieve coherence in a team presentation 49 After making a presentation you should Chapter 12 50 The purpose of your r sum is to 51 If you stopped working for five years to care for a family member you should choose to do what kind of resume 52 If you are a recent college graduate your r sum should 53 What are the guidelines about putting references on a r sum 54 Which is sometimes listed first on a functional r sum 55 When writing the body of your cover letter you should 56 What are ways to prepare for behavioral interview questions 57 What questions about salary should you prepare prior to a first job interview 58 A thank you note to an interviewer should be written how 59 Which statement best describes business etiquette 60 As a courtesy to the employees working in cubicles surrounding yours you should 61 When attending a business related conference when is it appropriate to give someone your business card 62 When introducing two people at a business function you should 63 To build credibility in a thank you note to an interviewer you should 64 You researched the potential employer prior to your interview During the actual interview you should 65 To prepare for a video or phone interview what should you include Copyright Cengage Learning Powered by Cognero Page 2

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