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History 2111 Study Guide Identification 3 What Who 1 When Where 6 So What These should be 5 7 sentences 1 C B S Corns beans and squash A technique used to grow crops in which you grow those three plants together on mounds of soil The cornstalks provide support for the climbing beans squash s prickly leaves protect crops from raccoons and they also shade the ground so weeds don t grow Beans provide nitrogen to the soil so there is more for the corn and squash Pellagra is a deficiency caused by a lack of nicotinic acid in the diet caused by eating too much corn Cahokia s didn t have this issue because they used CBS agriculture CBS agriculture began the foundation for agriculture because they were manipulating the plants to do what they wanted Towns sprung up around these CBS areas Culture started to spread northward from Mexico and South America Societies formed up and down the Mississippi river basin because of the soil fertility 2 Cahokia What The first major city in 1200s that had a population of 20 000 people This one was one of the first couples of major cities before the Europeans arrived Was made from the earth so it eventually eroded Who Mississippi river valley When 1200s Where central and southeastern United States So What The city was based off of corns beans and squash They did contiguous breeding where they took the best crops and planted them next season The ruler of Cahokia made people that a commit brought magic due to the increase in population in 1000 E C People in the cities eventually moved west because it would be less present work This city was highly centralized The idea that native Americans were normative people 3 Aztec Empire What A powerful empire during the mid 1400 to early 1500s Was eventually conquered by the Spanish The Spanish that conquered the Aztec empire was made up of around 250 men The won by having contrasting battle strategies and brought tons of diseases The Aztecs also lost beucase they would not kill the Spanish till the ritual Who Aztecs and Spanish When mid 1400 to early 1500s Where Aztec empire aka Mexico So What The downfall of the Aztec empire lead to the uprise of the Spanish The Spanish then conquer the new world Silver minders start working a lot harder because of inflation Then by the end of the 1500s the Spanish empire declares bankruptcy 4 Single Whip Tax controlled America When Early 1600s Where China What The unit of tax collection was changed from rice to silver which led to an increase in the import of silver into China from Japan and Spanish Who The Spanish are being middle men to the Europeans and Chinese So What The Single Whip Law led to a temporary increase in European trade but in the long term contributed to the overthrow of the Ming dynasty by destabilizing the tax system This pushed England to discover the new world They did not know it had silver they just went to look for silver and it just happened to have it What The Spain and Portugal were trying to take Muslim land Iberian Peninsula to 5 Reconquista end Muslim rule in that area Who When they succeed and exiled them in 1492 Where So What this is where they are learning conquest ideas The Spanish are trying to Christiane the Muslims What they are going to do in the new world 6 Black Legend What The legend that Spanish conquistadors were merely torturing and murdering the Indians stole gold and infected them with smallpox leaving nothing of benefit Who Spanish conquistadors and Indians When 1500 Where Happened in the Americas So What John smith believed all the black legend stories The stories spread through all the Americas that the English crown hired pirates to kill the Spanish on their trips This made an insentve for people to come from England for a philanthropical reason The heard these stoies and said they were not going to do that to the Indians 7 Jamestown Colony What Was the first permanent settlement for the English Who The English s When Founded early 1600s Where In the colony of Virginia So What Jamestown was significant beucase the English settlers at Jamestown faced food shortages and even starvation due in part to the new climate and their lack of experience and manpower to grow crops in Virginia This is where the English first meet Powhatan Powhatan was very import to the people of Jamestown beucase could constantly give and trade food with the English What Tobacco was introduced to the English society around the time conquistador s 8 Tobacco colony were transitioning to a settler colony Who The English society When early 1600s 1610 1640 Where Introduced in the Americas So What Tobacco is a solution since there is no gold and silver 9 Colonial Pigs What Pigs were brought to the Americas by the colonist The pigs ended up killing animals and land The English let their livestock run free into the native Americans land beucase they don t have to worry about feeding them Who English Farmers and Native Americans When early 1600s Where the Americans So What These animals untimely colonize the native Americans land before the colonist could even try to take it The animals were violating the native Americans property Since there was no punishment for the colonist it untimely pushes the native Americans west to get away from English livestock 10 Marie Guyart What She thought she was touched by god she opened a school she was New French she takes on a authority role can compare her to Anne Hutchinson So What how others reacted to them r Who Pequots English puritans and other native American tribes aligned with the Who When 1630s Where 11 Pequot War Europeans What When 1636 1637 Where Massachusetts Bay Colonies Why There had been many conflicts between the Native Americans and Europeans And besides the conflicts colonists believed that they have God given rights to settle this new world The puritans saw these Native Americans as savages and needed to be converted to their way of God The Indians were in a very difficult situation and finally the Pequots were accused of killing John Oldham a dishonest trader in 1637 And started the Pequot War Significant The destruction of the Pequots cleared away the only obstacle to Puritan expansion rather the Americans were able to trade for furs with the Indian tribes easier now that there would be less competition that the Pequots in the trade deals 12 Agriculture Settler Colony What Who The british When 1600s Where So What there is going to be conflict beucase the british want there land 13 Exceptional Character of

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