Anthropology 104 Reading Response 3 Public Anthropology Name Jenna Schiffman TA Name Shahana Discussion Section Number 307 Semester and Year Fall 2020 Getting Started Welcome to your third and final Reading Response assignment for Anthropology 104 Please add your information to this template above and save it in Microsoft Word docx or doc format Make sure the filename includes your name and the name of the assignment RR3 Example RR3 Wendy Liu docx This assignment template contains the instructions and questions you need to complete for this assignment The reading itself Public Anthropology in 2015 Charlie Hebdo Black Lives Matter Migrants and More by Angelique Haugerud is available on Canvas Background Anthropological concepts can be used to analyze a wide range of contemporary issues Drawing on this disciplinary perspective and their own research findings some anthropologists actively engage in public debates For example they may write editorial pieces in newspapers or appear on television programs This kind of engaged work is called public anthropology At the end of 2015 the anthropologist Angelique Haugerud an Anthropologist at Rutgers University published an article about the various ways that other anthropologists spoke out about pressing public issues over the course of that year For this assignment you will her article and reflect on it by addressing the questions below Reading Response 3 Angelique Haugerud s Public Anthropology in 2015 Instructions Expectations Before you begin this writing assignment read Public Anthropology in 2015 Charlie Hebdo Black Lives Matter Migrants and More available as a PDF on Canvas Each answer should be written using full sentences and should be 100 200 words DUE DATE Read the instructions about Grading and Submission for this assignment on Canvas This assignment needs to be completed by 11 59pm the day BEFORE your Discussion Section in the week it is assigned 1 Based on the article what do you think were the most important issues anthropologists addressed in 2015 Why I thought it was really important how the article talked about how different anthropologists did not agree with the thought that there are distinct zones of civilization Civilizations around the world are complicated and unique They do not all fall under one category and I thought it was important those anthropologists shared this idea I also thought the European refugee and migration crisis was important as well because a lot of countries 1 Anthropology 104 Reading Response 3 seem to be exposed to this sort of thing I thought it was important the anthropologists took time to discuss and sort of figure out this topic because it is not a new challenge to many countries 2 What did you find most interesting important and or confusing about this article I thought the clash of civilizations was very interesting I thought it was intriguing how the anthropologist was predicting how our cultural and religious identities would be the thing to split people apart A lot of people have their beliefs but they accept others believe other things However there are some people that believe there is only one way everyone should think or act and that is what this anthropologist was getting at I also thought it was interesting how he believed wars were not longer going to be fought between countries but instead between cultures I believe this is an important thing to consider in today s world 3 In what way s do you think an anthropological perspective can help us understand current issues Anthropology takes a look at the people instead of just how to fix the issue They take the people into consideration and what would be best for them instead of just looking for the easiest solution It is important to consider every factor when looking at current issues and anthropologists can really help us see the issues deep within the bigger problem The anthropological perspective focuses on the full scope of diversity in humans and not just the superficial issues on the surface They also apply this knowledge to people of every background and they go into their research with no prior judgements to those people or their way of life 4 How could anthropologists contribute to national public debates this year either within the U S or in another country Give one specific example to help formulate your answer think about current events in the news I think anthropologists could have contributed to the presidential debates The presidential debate were not even debates they were just bashing opponent chats I think an anthropological perspective could have really helped pinpoint the real issues A lot of times in the presidential debates it feels like they are just telling you what you want to hear and they are not really fixing the big problems They are just trying to fix small things to cover up the actual issue I believe anthropologists could help concentrate these debates to the real issues and get the presidential candidates talking about the real problems instead of superficial ones 5 How could anthropologists contribute to public debates in your own local community however you choose to define it Give one specific example There are not really a lot of public debates in my town that I am aware of but I live really close to Madison and there are a lot of public debates there It seems like there is always a protest of debate of some kind happening around the capitol I believe and anthropological perspective could help keep people calm and understand the issue more It is the job of an anthropologist to look at the issue from all sides and understand without placing judgements on people or their culture Having an anthropologist could help people listen instead of attacking on another and let them actually understand what is going on 6 In general do you think anthropologists should participate in public debates Should we as a society give them a bigger voice Or should anthropologists stay out of public affairs Justify your answer I believe anthropologists should have a bigger voice because their job is not to make judgements but instead get the facts and report on what they found Anthropologists give trustworthy information and that is something hard to come by these days especially in politics It is also their job to look at the full scope of diversity in people Anthropologists collect information without judgements while looking at the deeper problems in society I truly believe they should have a bigger voice because
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