SCOM 1000 Human Communication Exam 2 Study Guide Chapter 6 Know the six Provisions of Relationships 1 Attachment the emotional bond we have with others that gives us a sense of security 2 Reassurance of worth we need to know that people see us as competent and of value 3 Guidance everyone at least sometimes needs advice and information and who better to get it from than people we know and trust 4 Reliable alliance we need to know we re not alone that there are people we can trust to 5 Social integration we want to know that there are people who share our values and interests provide help when we need it and who enjoy our company 6 Opportunity to provide nurturance we need to be needed Know the following definitions Dyad Two people communicating interpersonally Self Disclosure Intentional revelation of information about oneself Know the following theories Uncertainty Reduction Theory The idea that we use communication to predict and explain the behavior of others in the initial stages of a relationship Social Penetration Theory Relationships move from initial interaction to greater stability through interpersonal communication Relationships generally develop systematically and predictably from the non intimate to the intimate Social Exchange Theory People evaluate relationships in a more or less rational manner to ensure maximum rewards and minimal costs To assess the value of their relationships they undertake an economics like cost benefit analysis Relational Dialectics Theory Meaning making between relationship partners emerges from the interplay of competing discourses Know the 5 conflict Management Styles Integrating style Conflict resolution style showing high concern for others as well as for one s self Obliging style Conflict resolution style showing little concern for self interest and greater concern for the interests of others Dominating style Conflict resolution style showing a higher regard for one s own interests than those of the other Avoiding style Conflict resolution style showing low concern for the self and for another Compromising style Conflict resolution style showing moderate concern for self interest and for the interests of another Chapter 7 Know the four common elements of groups Know the five Stages of Group Development Know the three Styles of Leadership Know the Forms of Power Chapter 8 Know the 3 Types and Movements of Organizational Messages 1 Upward A message from a subordinate to a superior or boss is an upward message because it is sent from someone in a lower ranked position to someone in a higher ranked position EX letters of resignation requests for pay raises 2 Downward Message moves from boss to subordinate higher rank to lower rank EX notices of termination policy changes notifications of new hires 3 Horizontally Message is one exchanged between colleagues usually those who share the same rank or position EX Informal less structured communication Know what it means to have an Open vs Closed System of an organization Open system A system whose components continuously interact not only with one another but with the environment outside the system Policies protocols affected by bureacracy Closed system A system whose components communicate solely with one another Know the definition of Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate Organizational culture The pattern of shared basic assumptions or inferences that members learn from the organization s stories myths traditions and everyday experiences and observed behaviors The organization s culture sets its norms values and beliefs Organizational climate The meaning employees attach to the policies practices and procedures they experience and the behaviors they observe being rewarded supported and expected Climate tends to be communicated down and then throughout the organization Chapter 9 Know the following definitions Intercultural Communication Interaction between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems differ enough to influence the communication event Ethnocentrism Belief that one s own culture is the best Know the difference between Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice Negative attitude toward a group based on little or no experience Discrimination Overtly excluding avoiding or distancing oneself from another group Know Hofstede s four Value Dimensions 1 Collectivism vs Individualist People in individualist cultures tend to value the goals needs and rights of the individual Collective cultures value the goals responsibilities and obligations of the group 2 Power Distance Refers to how people in a given culture deal with matters of status and hierarchy HIGH power distance cultures accept power differences as part of society EX Mexico LOW power distance cultures find inequality troubling EX Canada Sweden Ireland USA 3 Uncertainty Avoidance The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations HIGH uncertainty avoidance cultures are uncomfortable with unpredictability and ambiguity resistance to change rejection of the new or deviant LOW uncertainty avoidance cultures accept maybe even relish life s uncertainty tolerant of new and different willing to take risks 4 Masculinity vs Femininity Masculine cultures have clearly defined sex roles and exhibit and encourage male characteristics such as assertiveness competitiveness wealth hierarchy and ambition Men are dominant gender EX Japan Austria Italy USA Feminine cultures tend to be more nurturing empathetic and compassionate There is more flexibility in gender roles EX Scandinavian countries Chapter 10 Know the following definitions Third Person Effect Convergence The erosion of traditional distinctions among media Product Placement When ads are placed in and become part of media content Brand Entertainment Content developed around a specific brand EX Polar Bears was created around coke Ambient Advertising Placing ads in otherwise natural or nontraditional settings EX logos Synergy When different companies team up to sell one product Know the following theories of Mass Communication Cultivation Effect and Mean World Syndrome Social Cognitive Theory Critical Cultural Theory Social Responsibility Theory Chapter 11 Know the definition of Media Literacy and the Theory of Agenda Setting
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