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SOC 100 Dis Who s on first 1 Who s On First Charles Lemert describes two contrasting approaches in professional sociology an individuals first approach and a society first approach What is the difference between these ways of understanding ourselves What is your approach Individuals first Society first Neither first Why do you approach the patterns of social interaction the way that you do How might you stretch your sociological imagination by exploring a different approach In the past unit I read about sociological approaches in Lemert s book He talked about individual first approach and society first approach Individual first theory believed Lemert stated that societies are composed of individuals who act together to avoid chaos which would result if they weren t in harmony On the other hand society first theory believed that society teaches individuals rules through institutions and influences them to do things for the common good Lemert 2012 The difference between these ways of understanding ourselves is that individual first theory states that our individual choices affect the society where society first theory puts us under the organization of the society as a whole I think my approach is neither individual first nor society first Sometimes I do believe that individuals affect the society in some significant ways Individuals has the power to make free choices despite the influence of societies However personally my daily interactions are also affected by the society For example I grow up in a society where society first theory is valued I was taught that society comes before individuals at school when I was very young After I went into a different education system in a different culture my interactions became more individualized I started to see individuals as origins of the society If I explore society first approach more than the individual one I will stretch my sociological imagination to think more about social forces impacts on shaping individual behaviors and social norms instead of individual motives For example to see social problems as results of society operations instead of individual actions In your opinion which approach is more explored by our society to explain current social problems such as unemployment References Lemert C C 2012 Social things an introduction to the sociological life Rowman Littlefield Publishers

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