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With fast paced developments of our society many things have changed We have more advanced technology and a more modern lifestyle However there are some environmental issues came along with our modern world that we cannot neglect such as climate change pollution and environmental stress Climate change is affecting survivals of humans plants and animals It is accelerating with the rising of cities According to the data carbon dioxide emissions have increased by almost 50 since 1990 The consequences are droughts fires floods and other meteorological events Pollution is also a huge crisis facing by all humans Air pollution increases the rates of respiratory illnesses especially that of the children A reduction in air pollution can save about seven million deaths a year Other environmental challenges in our era including biodiversity urban development and mobility We have lost 8 of known animal species and 22 are at risk of extinction due to destruction of natural habitats and introduction of invasive species By 2030 our cities need to accommodate around 5 billion people and we need more green spaces to ensure sustainable resources and environment for humans living Iberdrola 2021 We need to realize that environmental issues are connected with every single person who lives on this beautiful but fragile planet That s what sociological imagination pointed out personal troubles are connected with public issues We need to shift from our own perspective to the society s to realize that something we do could harm the environment We can start by driving less using reusable shopping bags and other little things to protect our environment It all begins with a single step What are other environmental crises you can think of How can we eliminate them Corporativa Iberdrola 2021 The Big Global Environmental Issues We Need to Resolve by 2030 Iberdrola Accessed June 6 2021 https www iberdrola com environment most important environmental issues

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