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Dis 4 The Southern Poverty Law Center also known as the SPLC is a premier U S non profit organization keeping watch over domestic hate groups such as Ku Klux Klan neo confederates and other extremist activities According to SPLC s statistics there are more than 1 600 extremist groups across the country that are under watching On the Hate Map there is an intuitive geographic display of hate groups and the amount of them is quite shocking The main goal of the SPLC is to fight for justice and protect people s rights To do that they train law enforcements share intelligence and offer analysis to the public Problems threatening equal rights or lives will get the most focus When necessary SPLC will provide legal help to the powerless victims There are several cases that stand out in a list of landmark cases the SPLC have won The first one to mention Frontiero v Richardson 1970 A married female Air Force officer sued the Dept of Defense to secure the same benefits enjoyed by male officers This is the first successful sex discrimination lawsuit against the federal government The second one Donald v United Klans of America 1984 This is a case sued against the Klansmen by SPLC to bring justice to a young African American man who was brutally tortured and murdered by the Klans on March 20 1981 In conclusion I do believe problems can be resolved through the courts because human rights are supported by our laws If they can t be resolved through the courts SPLC and other non profit organizations will provide help to ensure individual equality Are there any other organizations like SPLC you can immediately think of What do they usually do to protect human rights Hate Map 2021 Southern Poverty Law Center February 16 https www splcenter org hate Seeking Justice 2021 Southern Poverty Law Center https www splcenter org seeking map justice

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