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Experiment 15 Crystal Analysis In experiment 15 we used our synthesized aluminum potassium sulfate dodecahydrate alum crystals to demonstrate crystal growing methods of the hanging chain layering and vapor diffusion For the next two weeks we had observed some form of crystal growth for each of them For our hanging chain we allowed a small seed crystal to form in solution then added more alum a week after experiment 15 Two weeks after the experiment we observed large clear crystals that had grown on the string similar to chunks of rock candy For the first week of our layering method we observed thin paper like crystals growing on the side of the test tube which came off when the tube was moved These crystals did not grow any larger the week after indicating the ethanol layer had fully diffused and no more ions would precipitate For the first week of our vapor diffusion method we observed no visible crystals but one week after we observed small grains of white crystals similar to sand or sugar

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UCSB CHEM 1CL - CHEM Lab15 - Crystal Analysis

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