UTD CS 6360 - CS-6360.5u1 SYLLABUS

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CS 6360 5u1 SYLLABUS Course Instructor Term Lecture Time Lecture Location CS 6360 5u1 Database Design Chris Irwin Davis Summer 2019 7 00PM 9 15PM ECSN 2 110 Instructor Information Name Email Address Office Phone Office Location Chris Irwin Davis chrisirwindavis utdallas edu 972 883 3574 ECSS 4 603 1 45PM 2 45PM Mon Office Hours 1 45PM 2 45PM Tue Other Information All course content on eLearning Prerequisites CS 5343 Algorithm Analysis Data Structures or equivalent Description Database Design 3 semester hours Methods principles and concepts that are relevant to the practice of database software design Database system architecture conceptual database models relational and object oriented databases database system implementation query processing and optimization transaction processing concepts concurrency and recovery security Required Textbook Fundamentals of Database Systems 7th Edition R Elmasri and S B Navathe Addison Wesley ISBN 13 978 0133970777 Note The 7th Edition is very different from the 6th Edition Textbook material covered in lecture will be Chapters 1 9 and Chapters 14 20 Grading Scale and Assignment Weight of Coursework Area Weight Homework and Participation 5 Programming Assignments 25 Midterm Exam 30 Final Exam comprehensive 40 Total 100 Grade Change Petitions Any student wishing to petition for a grade change of an assignment or exam has exactly one calendar week from the time the grade is posted to initiate request Homework and Programming Project grade change petitions should be directed to the TA Exam grade change petitions should be directed to the instructor Extra Credit No additional individual work can be assigned for extra credit Only work that is assigned to the entire class may be considered and counted toward a course grade Final Course Grades Final course grades are calculated as a 0 100 scale based on the Scale and Assignment Weight of Coursework above then mapped to and submitted as letter grades Mapping of grade percentage to a letter grade for the overall course grade is per the published university graduate catalog https catalog utdallas edu 2017 graduate policies grades Letter Grade GPA Credit 94 90 94 A A 4 000 3 670 87 90 84 87 B B 3 330 3 000 80 84 77 80 BC 2 670 2 330 74 77 74 C F 2 000 0 000 NF 0 000 Failure for non a endance General Course Policies Course Content eLearning is the official information portal for this course All course assignments announcements schedule homework lecture slides discussion group and grades will be communicated via eLearning All course content copyrights are owned by the UT System All rights reserved It is a copyright violation to share email or post any course content either digitally or hardcopy with anyone other than classmates registered for the course during the same semester as you Attendance All lecture attendance will be tracked Missing three consecutive unexcused absences results in your final course grade being reduced by one letter grade e g A reduced to B B reduced to C Missing a total of five unexcused absences results in an automatic grade of F Documented absences for health bereavement or religious holidays do not count as unexcused absences against the policies above If you are not able to attend a lecture for any reaswon you are responsible for any information communicated during that class including but not limited to lecture notes assignments announcements and schedule changes If you decide to drop the class be sure to officially drop or withdraw from the course Otherwise you risk receiving an F or NF for the course Email Communication All email communication with the instructor must be sent from your valid UTD email address This is for your protection to prevent others from gaining personal information about you by faking your identity All email communication with the instructor must include the course number and section as the first text in the subject line formatted exactly as it is in the header of this syllabus There is a hyperlink on the eLearning Course Homepage that will automatically launch a new email with this required subject Any email that does not adhere to these requirements risks delayed or non response Academic Integrity All submissions must be your own work Students guilty of plagiarism will receive zero credit for the plagiarized work and may be subject to further academic penalties per university policy UTD Comet Creed This creed was voted on by the UT Dallas student body in 2014 It is a standard that Comets choose to live by and encourage others to do the same As a Comet I pledge honesty integrity and service in all that I do Homework and Participation All Homework assignments shall be submitted online through eLearning Homeworks are due before the deadline time passes e g an assignment that is due at 11 59PM is LATE if the time stamp is 11 59PM Please do not wait until the last minute to submit The unpredictability of your internet connection is not a valid excuse for a late submission Answer keys to homework will be visible online automatically after the submission deadline passes Therefore late Homework cannot be accepted and will be assigned zero credit 0 points Submit incomplete work before the deadline for partial credit Multiple Homework submissions are permitted before the deadline Programming Assignments All programming assignments shall be submitted online through eLearning Late programming assignments are not accepted Midterm Exam and Final Exam The Midterm and Final Exam are both closed book and closed notes The Final Exam will be comprehensive although more weight will be given to material presented after the midterm Both the Midterm and Final Exam will be administered in the UTD Testing Center You will be required to reserve a seat in advance in order to guarantee being able to sit for an exam http www utdallas edu studentsuccess testingcenter All Testing Center policies apply with respect to items that are disallowed jackets pencil boxes bottled water etc The Midterm and Final Exam will not be returned They will be kept on file by the instructor for one additional semester Anyone wishing to review his her exam can speak to the instructor during published office hours or make a separate private appointment Make up exams for either Midterm or Final will be administered only for verifiable emergencies A student must make every attempt possible via telephone or email to notify the instructor that he she will miss the exam prior to the examination date and time

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UTD CS 6360 - CS-6360.5u1 SYLLABUS

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