BCOM 14 Thursday November 7 2019 2 56 PM Analyze the situation What is the purpose o Inform persuade collaborate Know your audience o Needs o Expectations o Mindset Consider circumstances o F2F vs conference o of attendees o Environment Audience analysis mindset Supportive Interested Uninterested Worried Hostile Audience learning style Visual learner o 40 of the population o Learn best from illustrations diagrams consumers buy products for EMOTIONAL reasons logic readers pay attentions to the message for ARTISTIC reasons first Audience analysis Identify key decisions makers Internal presentations o EX IT vs Sales vs Customer service o Who has influence authority to act on your ideas External presentations o Ex Co branding Co marketing o Who has influence authority Presentation Introduction o Get audience s attention o Establish credibility Body o Present main points o Connect ideas o Hold audience s attention Close o Restate the main points o Provide a clear wrap up o End on a strong note Develop message Develop 2 or 3 Key messages Use stories approach keeping it real o Allows audience to engage on a deeper level o People remember stories more Effective Designs Make it relevant memorable o Use creative background colors o Use compelling visuals statistics Use big fonts Highlight key info Use plenty of white space per slide Presentations tips Videos pictures graphics and other images Practice practice practice o Can you present naturally o Can you connect with audience o Have you checked the equipment o Have you timed your presentation o Are you ready for questions or objections Conclusions Make sure to have a strong finish Recap your message in just a few sentences o Develop effective slide o Use STORIES approach keeping it real
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