UT EDP 363-3 - Pros and Cons of Relationships

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What are some of the pros and cons of relationships in 2017 What aspects of relationships might be easier now than they were in the past and what aspects might be harder What type of communication is helpful in maintaining a relationship What is a successful relationship to you I think relationships now have pros and cons I think some of these pros and cons could involve technology or privacy Technology is definitely a huge part of relationships today Pros of technology brings people together from long distances and keeps people in touch Cons no separation and the obsession of stalking people significant others online and no privacy Technology keeps some relationships alive It also creates a positive public outlet to broadcast how awesome your relationship is But technology always produces negative feedback or haters too I think it might be harder to get to know people in real life intimately because of technology these days People are used to communicating getting to know someone through a screen or a phone and this might make it harder to meet people face to face i e tinder dating apps technology makes it easier to stay in contact with your significant other but i think some seperation is important in maintaining a relationship Time away from eachother without texting or calling isnt completely horrible and i think some people dont agree with this I dont know what makes up a successful relationship to me specifically Ive been in a relationship for over a year now and we live together I feel like i still learn every single day and our relationship changes every single day I dont like taking general relationship advice from people necessarily because im not sure there are any guidelines to the perfect relationship I think there definitely are pros and cons of being in a relationship that would involve technology and social media As technology gets better and better people can stay connected to one another across great distances through multiple platforms Nowadays people can maintain healthy relationships across any distance by utilizing video chatting text messaging and cell phones These innovations have brought the world together and not just in the form of relationships Just as they allow couples to stay connected this development allowed us to meet and learn about so many new people I think that is noticeable in society when phrases like Facebook me or slide in the DM s are used that we mean that in a way to communicate with them but really only over the internet In that sense think technology has almost desensitized people from having real conversating in person and getting to know someone organically Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook have pictures and posts by couples from all over the world My aunt and uncle granted who aren t very tech savvy share a Facebook account and sign every post with both of their initials Social media has also given people a way to express the personalities on the internet so eventually people end up hearing that they are oversharing or just publicizing their personal lives too much but people always have something to say about the internet To me a successful relationship is when you re both strong individuals who appreciate everything about one another working on the same team being supportive and empowering each other to be the best version of themselves

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UT EDP 363-3 - Pros and Cons of Relationships

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