USC CSCI 455x - Code Handout

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Code Handout to accompany final exam CSCI 455 S16 Bono C Node type and ListType this is the only part of the code handout with C code struct Node int data Node next Node int item Node int item Node n typedef Node ListType Java Selected methods of Point class Note point objects are mutable and they are not Comparable i e they do not implement Comparable interface Point p new Point x y Point p new Point p2 p getX p getY create a point with coordinates x y create a point with the same coordinates as p2 returns x and y coordinates of p respectively p translate dx dy Changes x and y values of p by dx and dy respectively I e if p had coordinates x y its new value is a point with coordinates x dx y dy p setLocation x y Moves point to location x y p hashCode A hash function for Point Overridden from Object p equals p2 Returns true iff p and p2 have the same x and y coordinates Overridden from Object Java Reminder of syntax to implement an interface using Comparator Type interface class StringLengthComparator implements Comparator String public int compare String s1 String s2 return s2 length s1 length Java Collections class selected methods The Collections class contains static methods that operate on collections Note ArrayList and LinkedList both implement the List interface used below static void sort List ElmtType list Sorts the list into ascending order according to the natural ordering of its elements i e using compareTo static void sort List ElmtType list Comparator ElementType c Sorts the list according to the order specified by the comparator continued other side 1 Code Handout to accompany final exam CSCI 455 S16 Bono Java Map KeyType ValueType Interface selected methods The classes that implement this interface are TreeMap and HashMap Selected methods ValueType put key value Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map If the map previously contained a mapping for this key the old value is replaced by the specified value Returns the previous value associated with specified key or null if there was no mapping for key ValueType get key Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key or null if the map contains no mapping for this key boolean containsKey key Returns true iff the map contains a mapping for the specified key ValueType remove key Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present otherwise returns null int size Number of key value mappings in this map boolean isEmpty Returns true if this map contains no key value mappings Set Map Entry KeyType ValueType entrySet Returns a set view of the entries contained in this map Java Map Entry KeyType ValueType Interface KeyType getKey Return the key of the entry ValueType getValue Return the value of the entry void setValue newVal Replace the current value with newVal Java Collection ElmtType Interface selected methods Some classes that implement this interface are ArrayList LinkedList TreeSet and HashSet boolean contains elmt Returns true iff elmt is in this collection int size Returns number of elements in this collection boolean add elmt Ensures that elmt is in this collection Returns true iff this collection changed as a result of this call boolean remove elmt Removes an instance of elmt from this collection Returns true iff this collection changed as a result of this call boolean isEmpty Returns true iff this collection contains no elements Iterator ElmtType iterator Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection Java Iterator ElmtType Interface Some classes that implement this interface are Scanner ListIterator boolean hasNext Returns true iff the iteration has more elements ElmtType next Returns the next element in the iteration Each successive call returns a different element in the underlying collection For Scanner the ElmtType is always String void remove Removes from the underlying collection the last element returned by the iterator Scanner does not implement this optional method 2

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USC CSCI 455x - Code Handout

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