Name USC username e g ttrojan CS 455 Final Exam Spring 2014 Bono Monday May 9 2014 There are 6 problems on the exam with 66 points total available There are 7 pages to the exam including this one make sure you have all of them There is also a separate double sided one page code handout If you need additional space to write any answers you may use the backs of exam pages just direct us to look there Note if you give multiple answers for a problem we will only grade the first one Avoid this issue by labeling and circling your final answers and crossing out any other answers you changed your mind about though it s fine if you show your work Put your name and USC username at the top of the exam Please read over the whole test before beginning Good luck value Problem 1 2 score 12 pts Problem 3 8 pts Problem 4 6 pts Problem 5 20 pts Problem 6 20 pts TOTAL 66 pts 1 Problem 1 3 points Give the big O worst case time to solve each of the following problems put your answers in the space provided to the left 1 compute the maximum value in an array of size n use sequential search on a sorted array where we end the search early when we get a to a value bigger than the one we are looking for of size n 2 3 use mergesort to sort n values in an array Problem 2 9 points total Consider the following C code sequence Node p new Node 3 p next new Node 1 Node r p next r new Node 7 Node s new Node 4 s p next cout p data r data s data endl Part A Show a box and pointer diagram for this code sequence cross out old values of pointers and or data so we can see how things changed Part B Show the output of the code sequence 2 Problem 3 8 points This is a Java problem Consider the following interface public interface PointVisitor public void visit Point p and a function that uses this interface to apply a PointVisitor callback function to all the elements in an array of Point objects public static void visitAll Point points PointVisitor visitor for int i 0 i points length i visitor visit points i Hint PointVisitor allows us to customize the behavior of visitAll just like java util Comparator allows us to customize the behavior of Arrays sort and Collections sort See also reminder of interface implements syntax on the code handout The Point class is also on the code handout Write the code necessary to use visitAll to complete the implementation of method expand so that it moves each point to be twice as far from the origin as it was before You may have other code in addition to the method itself You do not have to write code to deal with round off errors Solutions that don t use visitAll will receive no credit You may assume visitAll and expand are in the same class Example if the array points contained 13 12 9 9 10 5 5 6 before the call after a call to expand points it would contain 26 24 18 18 20 10 10 12 moves each point in the array to a location twice as far from the origin public static expand Point points 3 Problem 4 6 points Consider the following Java program that uses exceptions Note MyException and FileNotFoundException are both subclasses of IOException public class MyProg public static void main String args try ArrayList String lines readFile int maxSoFar 0 for int i 0 i lines size i if lines get i length maxSoFar maxSoFar lines get i length System out println Max line is maxSoFar catch MyException exc System out println Error 1 catch IOException exc System out println Error 2 public static ArrayList String readFile throws IOException ArrayList String lines new ArrayList String try Scanner inFile new Scanner new File inputData if inFile hasNext throw new MyException while inFile hasNextLine lines add inFile nextLine catch FileNotFoundException exc System out println Error 3 return lines What is the output of the program for each of the following scenarios 1 The file inputData does not exist 2 The file inputData is empty 3 The file inputData has the contents a big bad elephant went forward today 4 Problem 5 20 pts Implement the Java class AssocList that has the methods illustrated below and specified in method comments For full credit your implementation must be able to do each of its operations in O 1 time Description of AssocList An AssocList associates sequential ints with unique strings If we add a new string to the AssocList it associates it with the next unused number it assigns 0 for the first one The main other operations are to find the associated number given a string and find the associated string given a number For example for a Date class that needs to accept and or print months in name or number form it might be useful to associate month numbers with month names such as in the following code AssocList monthList new AssocList monthList addAssoc dummy is associated with 0 a trick so real month number sequence starts at 1 monthList addAssoc January is associated with 1 monthList addAssoc February is associated with 2 monthList addAssoc December is associated with 12 System out println November is month number monthList getNumber November System out println Month 3 is called monthList getName 3 System out println Number of months is monthList numAssocs 1 minus 1 because of dummy Hints You are encouraged to use the Java library however you wish to help you several Java containers and algorithms are described on the code handout Also to meet the time requirement above you are allowed to use more space i e memory than you might otherwise need Detailed descriptions of the methods appear with the class interface as well as space for your answer below and continued on the next page public class AssocList space for instance variable s here creates an empty AssocList public AssocList 5 Problem 5 cont returns number of associations in this AssocList public int numAssocs make a new association and return the number to be associated with the given name first name added will get the number 0 second name will get 1 etc if this name is already in AssocList returns its old association i e does not change AssocList in that case public int addAssoc String name find number that goes with name in this AssocList or 1 if name is not in AssocList public int getNumber String name find name that goes with number in this AssocList PRE 0 number numAssocs public String getName int number 6 Problem 6 20 pts Implement the C function fibSeq which creates and returns a linked list of the first n numbers in the Fibonacci sequence The Fibonacci sequence starts as follows 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 The rules for generating the
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